EnglishEssay On Television

Essay On Television

Television Essay for Students and Children

Essay On Television: Television is one of the most common ways people around the world pass the time. It’s pretty common now, and almost every home has at least one TV. In this essay on tv we will talk about advantages and disadvantages of television and how important role play in our education. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

People like to watch TV as a form of entertainment. It is very common and can be found in nearly every home. When TV first started broadcasting, it was called the “Idiot Box” because it was only used for entertainment. 

Now, as technology and creativity have grown, television has become a very important form of mass media. Today, there are a lot of educational and informational channels on TV that can both teach and entertain.  

Essay On Television

Long Essay On Television in English

Television is one of the most common ways people around the world pass the time. It’s pretty common now, and almost every home has at least one TV. At first, it was called the “idiot box.” This was mostly because back then, everything was about having fun. It did not have that many informative channels as it does now.

Also, because of this invention, the craze made many people want to watch TV all the time. People started considering it harmful as it attracted the kids the most. In other words, kids didn’t study much and spent most of their time watching TV. But as time went on, the television channels changed. More and more channels with different focuses began to air. So, as well as giving us fun, it also taught us things.

Benefits of Watching Television

We got a lot of good things from the invention of television. It was helpful because it gave the average person a cheap way to have fun. Everyone can now own a TV and have access to entertainment because they are so cheap.

Also, it keeps us up to date on what’s going on in the world. You can now find out what’s going on on the other side of the world. In the same way, there are educational shows on TV that teach us more about science, animals, and other topics.

People are also inspired to learn new things by watching TV. They also have different programmes that show motivational speakers giving speeches. This pushes people to do better. You could also say that TV makes us more aware of more things. It helps us learn more about sports, national events, and other things.

TV has a lot of good things about it, but it also has some bad things about it. We will talk more about how TV is changing the minds of young people.

The Disadvantages of Television

Like every other device, the TV has both good and bad things about it.

  • Inappropriate Content: Television has barely any measures to prevent segregation of mature and adult audiences from younger audiences. Thus, when a piece of content is aired, it can be viewed by all. Because of this, inappropriate content is shown to the younger part of the audience.
  • Addiction: Studies have shown that if you watch a lot of TV, it can become hard to stop. People who watch too much TV spend less time with their friends and do less physical activity. This makes children more likely to get both physical and mental health problems.
  • Fake information: A lot of TV shows are made to spread false information in order to get more viewers and higher ratings. This kind of false information can make it hard for people to get along. People who are still young and impressionable can also be hurt by the false information.

Role of TV in Education

Many countries around the world have recognised the role that TV plays in educating people. It is used as a tool to teach both formal and informal education in a good way. A TV could be timed to a school’s lesson plan and used to teach a certain subject.

Television is also a good way for young people and adults who haven’t had the chance to go to school to learn things that aren’t taught in school. When used right, it could be a good way to teach skills, train people for jobs, and give them other important cultural and civic education.

Educational Television Programs

To understand Newton’s laws of motion, you don’t have to talk to your physics teacher after school anymore. You just need to turn your TV to the educational channel and pick from a number of programmes that teach you about Physics.

Even though some TV shows are about specific topics, there are many other non-formal educational shows that can help you learn more about a wide range of topics. To give a few examples, the History Channel, the Discovery Channel, the National Geographic Channel, and many other science-based channels teach a lot.


People can argue for a long time about whether or not TV is good or bad for them. But it’s important to remember that a device is neither good nor bad. It’s just a device. What happens depends on how that thing is used. If we use the TV wisely and limit how much time we spend watching it, we can get the benefits without the bad things. 

Short Essay on Television


In 1927, Philo Taylor Farnsworth is said to have come up with the idea for television. Since then, there have been many changes. It was very big and took up a lot of space when it was first made. But now you can buy TVs that are as thin as a painting and can be hung on the wall. Now, TVs are called “Smart TVs” instead of just “TVs.”

How important television is

People have different ideas about how important TV is. It tells us what is happening in the city, state, country, or world. The leader of a country can talk to the people in this way. Now that there are so many shows on TV that teach, it’s easier for students to learn. From TV, we learn about the history of the world, about ancient civilizations, and about other things that happened in the past.

Effect of Television

Television has a big impact on how we socialise, learn, and grow as people. A person’s body and mind can also change when they watch TV. Some of the news that is shown on TV can be false. When people watch TV, they often forget to eat. It’s fine to watch TV when you have free time, but some people can’t do their important work because they’re too busy watching their favourite TV show or movie. It has had a lot of bad effects on the younger generation.


There are both good and bad things that can happen when you watch TV. But we should never forget that a device is just a device; it is neither good nor bad. It all depends on what we do with it and how we use it. 

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