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CISF Full Form

CISF Full Form: What is the Central Industrial Security Force?

What is the CISF Full Form? The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF) is a paramilitary force of India established in 1969. It provides security to various public sector undertakings, airports, and other critical infrastructure installations. The force also provides security cover to VIPs and private individuals.

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CISF Full Form

History of CISF

The CISF was initially set up under an act of the Indian Parliament in 1968, and it began its operations on 15 June 1969. It was created to provide security cover to the industrial units of the country. The force started with a modest strength of 2,800 personnel and has since grown to over 1.5 lakh personnel.

Role and Responsibilities of CISF

The primary role of the CISF is to provide security and protection to various government installations, industrial units, and other critical infrastructure. The force also provides security to VIPs and private individuals.

Security to Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs)

The CISF provides security to various PSUs such as oil refineries, power plants, and steel plants. The force also provides security to the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, which is one of the busiest metro networks in the world.

Security to Airports

The CISF is responsible for the security of all major airports in the country. It has a specialized aviation security group that provides security coverage to airports, aircraft, and passengers.

Security to VIPs and Private Individuals

The CISF also provides security cover to VIPs and private individuals on request. The force has a specialized VIP security group that provides security to high-profile individuals such as ministers, judges, and diplomats.

Organization and Structure of CISF

The CISF is headed by a Director-General who is assisted by four Additional Directors-General. The force is divided into seven sectors, each headed by a Deputy Inspector General. The sectors are further divided into zones and units.

Training of CISF Personnel

The CISF provides rigorous training to its personnel to prepare them for their duties. The training includes physical fitness, weapons handling, and crowd control. The force also conducts specialized training programs for its aviation security group and VIP security group.


The Central Industrial Security Force is a critical component of India’s security apparatus. The force provides security to various public sector undertakings, airports, and other critical infrastructure installations. The CISF is also responsible for the security of VIPs and private individuals. The force has a well-structured organization and provides rigorous training to its personnel to prepare them for their duties.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What is the full form of CISF?

CISF stands for Central Industrial Security Force.

Q.2 When was CISF established?

CISF was established in 1969.

Q.3 What is the role of CISF?

The primary role of CISF is to provide security and protection to various government installations, industrial units, and other critical infrastructure. The force also provides security to VIPs and private individuals.

Q.4 What is the strength of CISF personnel?

CISF has over 1.5 lakh personnel.

Q.5 What type of training does CISF provide to its personnel?

CISF provides rigorous training to its personnel, including physical fitness, weapons handling, and crowd control. The force also conducts specialized training programs for its aviation security group and VIP security group.

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