

Divisibility rule of 5

Divisibility rule of 5 According to the divisibility rule of 5, a number is said to be divisible by 5 if its last digit is...

3-Digit Multiplication

3-Digit Multiplication In mathematics, 3-Digit Multiplication is the process of multiplying three-digit numbers by two-digit, one-digit, or three-digit numbers by putting the numbers in columns...

Sum of Even Numbers

Sum of Even Numbers Calculating the Sum of Even Numbers is simple using Arithmetic Progression and the formula for the sum of all natural numbers....

Fractions on Number Line

Fractions on Number Line Representing fractions on a number line signifies that fractions can be plotted on a number line, comparable to plotting whole numbers...

Adding and Subtracting Complex Numbers

What are Complex Numbers? Adding and subtracting complex numbers are mathematical operations done on complex numbers. A complex number has the form a + ib...

Number Names 1 to 40

Number Names 1 to 40 In the word format, the number names 1 to 40 stand for the numbers 1 through 40. Some names for...

Magnitude and Argument

Magnitude of a Vector We already know that a vector is an object that has both size and direction. To figure out how big a...

Numbers in Words

Numbers in Words Numbers can be written in words or figures. For example, the number 1000 in words is written as one thousand. All natural...

Subtraction on Number Line

Subtraction On number Line  Subtraction on number line makes it easier to see how to take away from small numbers. A number line is a...

Subtracting Integers

Subtracting Integers To find the Subtracting Integers, you have to subtract them. It could make the value go up or down, depending on whether the...

Hexadecimal Number System

Hexadecimal Number System One type of number system is Hexadecimal Number System. Other types include binary, octal, and decimal. A hexadecimal number system has 16...

Indian Number System

Indian Numeral System Indian Number System The Indian place value chart is a writing system used to represent numerals in India. Prior to the development...

Exactness of Decimal Representations

Types of Decimal Representations: Any rational number can have two types of decimal representations (expansions): Terminating Non-terminating but repeating Any irrational number can have only one type of...

Commutative Property of Addition

Commutative Property of Addition According to the commutative property of addition, the sum of two or more numbers is the same regardless of how they...

Mixed Numbers

Mixed Numbers  A mixed number consists of a whole number and a fraction that is not improperly formed. Mixed numbers are also known as mixed...

Fraction to Decimal Chart

Fraction to Decimal chart  Here we discussed the Fraction to Decimal chart in this article. When a whole number that is not zero is divided by another...

Fibonacci Sequence

Fibonacci Sequence Each number in the Fibonacci sequence is the sum of the two numbers that precede it. Typically, it begins at 0 and 1....

Introduction to Large Numbers

Introduction to Large Numbers  Large numbers are those with a greater value than the numbers we use in everyday life. Large numbers create fear among...

Cardinal Numbers

What are Cardinal Numbers?  Cardinal numbers are used for counting purposes. They are also referred to as cardinal numbers or natural numbers. A sequence of...

Sequence and Series

Sequence and series are utilized in both mathematics and everyday life. A sequence is also known as progression, and by sequence, a series is...

Subtracting Decimal

Subtracting Decimals Finding the difference between a decimal number and another number is what it means to subtracting decimals. The other number can be either...


One of the four basic math operations is division. The other three are adding, subtracting, and multiplying. In simple terms, the division is breaking...


In math, the product of two or more numbers is found by multiplying them together. It's a basic math operation that comes up a...


Subtraction Subtraction means taking a number away from another number. It is a basic math operation that shows up as a minus sign (-) and...


Addition The process of adding is putting two or more things together. In math, adding is the way to figure out how much two or...

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