Water Pollution Essay

Water Pollution Essay

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Water Pollution Essay

Pollution is when harmful substances are put into the environment and cause bad things to happen. Air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution, and land pollution are all different kinds of pollution. Polluting bodies of water like lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, and even groundwater is called “water pollution.”

The only planet with liquid water on its surface is Earth. About 71% of the earth’s surface is covered by water, and the oceans hold about 96% of all the water on earth. However, we can only use 2.5% of this water for our daily needs. Every day, the human body must need about 3 litres of water. Water is a very important part of our lives and the world around us. But it is also true that the amount of water on Earth’s surface is fixed. Water can change its form into the rain, snow, fog, and other things. This whole thing happens in a cycle called the “water cycle.”

500+ Words Essay on Water Pollution

Water is the most important thing a planet needs to stay alive. It is the most important thing about life on Earth. But if you ever see a river or lake near your city, it will be clear that water pollution is a very serious problem. Let’s learn more about water and how to keep it clean. Water covers two-thirds of the Earth’s surface, and 76 percent of your body is made up of water.

Water Pollution Essay

Water and Water Cycle

Water is everywhere, as you probably already know. But there is only a certain amount of water on Earth. It just changes from one state to another and goes through a cycle. This is called the Water Cycle. The water cycle is a natural process that happens over and over again in the world. It is the way that water from oceans, seas, lakes, and other places evaporates and turns into vapour. Then it goes through the process of condensation, and when it falls back to earth as rain or snow, it precipitates.

The steps in the water cycle, also called the hydrological cycle, are:

  • Evaporation: The heat from the sun warms up bodies of water like oceans, lakes, seas, etc., causing water to evaporate into the air and form water vapours.
  • Transpiration: Just like when water evaporates, plants and trees also lose water through transpiration, which ends up in the air. This is known as transpiration.
  • Condensation: As water evaporates, it starts to get cooler because of the cold air around it. This cooling of the water is what causes clouds to form.
  • Precipitation: When the wings move up high, the clouds start to bump into each other. This causes rain to fall back down to the earth’s surface. Depending on the temperature, they can also fall back as snow, hail, sleet, etc.
  • Runoff or Infiltration: When it rains, water either flows to bodies of water (called “runoff”) or soaks into the ground (called “infiltration”).

What is Water Pollution?

Water pollution is the contamination of water bodies (like oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, aquifers, and groundwater) that is usually caused by human activities. Water pollution is any change, no matter how small or big, in the physical, chemical, or biological properties of water that hurts living things. Potable Water is water that is safe enough for both people and animals to drink.

Causes of Water Pollution

There are many things that can make water pollution. Some of the reasons are affected directly by dirty water, while others are affected indirectly. As a direct cause of water pollution, many factories and industries dump dirty water, chemicals, and heavy metals into major waterways.

The use of modern farming methods is another thing that makes water dirty. Farmers use chemical fertilisers, manure, and sludge to add nutrients to the soil, such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium. It makes farms dump a lot of agrochemicals, organic matter, and salty water into bodies of water. It affects water pollution in a roundabout way.

There are many different kinds of pollutants, such as organic, inorganic, radioactive, and so on. Pollutants are put into the water from either a single point, like a pipe, a channel, etc., or from many different places, which are called point sources. They are called “dispersed sources,” and they can be places like farms, factories, etc.

Sources of Water Pollution

  • Sewage: Pathogens that are dangerous to the human body are found in sewage from homes. Pathogens are less likely to spread when sewage is treated, but they still can.

Most sewage from homes has nitrates and phosphates in it. When there are too many of these substances in water, algae can grow on the surface. Because of this, clean bodies of water become nutrient-rich bodies of water, and the oxygen level in those bodies of water slowly goes down. This is called “cultural eutrophication” or “eutrophication” (if this step rapidly takes place by the activities of humans). This causes water bodies to die quickly.

  • Toxins: When industrial or factory wastes, like mercury and lead, are not thrown away properly, they end up in water bodies. This makes the water bodies toxic, radioactive, explosive, and cancer-causing.
  • Sediments: Sediments are made in water bodies when soil is worn away by water. These sediments throw the ecosystems of the water bodies out of balance. They also make it hard for different animals that live in water to reproduce.
  • Thermal pollution: Water bodies get dirty when they get too hot, and too much heat makes the water less oxygenated. Some fish can’t live in these bodies of water because there isn’t enough oxygen for them to survive. When power plants dump cold water into water bodies, it makes the water bodies hotter and dirtier.
  • Petroleum oil pollution: When oil gets into water bodies by accident or on purpose, like it did in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico, water pollution goes up.

Effects of Pollution of Water

The effects of Water Pollution are:

  • Diseases: There are many bad things that can happen to our health if we drink or use polluted water in any way. It can make you sick with typhoid, cholera, hepatitis, and other things.
  • The ecosystem is very dynamic and changes quickly in response to even small changes in its environment. If nothing is done to stop it, water pollution can destroy an entire ecosystem.
  • Eutrophication happens when chemicals build up and get into a body of water. This makes algae grow. Algae grow in a layer on the surface of the pond or lake. Bacteria eat this algae, which causes the amount of oxygen in the water to drop. This is very bad for the aquatic life in the body of water.
  • Effects of the food chain: When aquatic animals (fish, prawns, seahorses, etc.) eat the toxins and pollutants in the water and then humans eat them, the food chain is thrown into chaos.

Prevention of Water Pollution

  • The best way to stop water pollution on a large scale is to try to lessen its bad effects. We can protect ourselves from a future where water is hard to get by making a lot of small changes.
  • Save Water: Our first goal should be to save water. Water waste is a big problem all over the world, and we are just now starting to pay attention to it. Changes made at home, even small ones will make a big difference.
  • Sewage treatment: Cleaning up waste before dumping it in water helps cut down on water pollution on a large scale. By making this water less toxic, agriculture and other industries can use it again.
  • Use products that are good for the environment. Using soluble products that don’t turn into pollution is one way to cut down on the amount of water pollution a home causes.

Conclusion : 

We all know that “Water is the stuff of life, its mother and medium.” Without water, there is no life.” We must use less water. Clean water is important. If everyone did what they were supposed to do to keep water from getting dirty, it would be easy to get clean, healthy water to drink. Clean water is a must for our future, our health, and the health of our children.

We can’t just live in water that is full of toxins and doesn’t have any oxygen. We can’t let our wildlife die out, so groups of people need to take action right away to clean up the water bodies that are already dirty and keep an eye on all the other water bodies nearby. Every person can make a big difference by taking small steps to stop water pollution.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What is water pollution short essay?

Water pollution is any change, no matter how small or big, in the physical, chemical, or biological properties of water that hurts living things. Potable Water is water that is safe enough for both people and animals to drink.

Q.2 What is water pollution in 150 words?

Water pollution happens when contaminants like agricultural and toxic industrial wastes or other residues get into bodies of water like lakes, rivers, underground water, and oceans. When contaminants dissolve in water, the water is no longer safe to drink.

Q,3 What causes water pollution?

Bacteria, viruses, parasites, fertilisers, pesticides, drugs, nitrates, phosphates, plastics, faeces, and even radioactive materials are the main things that pollute water. Since these things don’t always make the water change colour, they are often invisible pollutants.

Q.4 Why should we prevent water pollution?

Stopping water pollution and saving water are important ways to make sure that there will always be plenty of safe water for us and future generations. Water pollution is the contamination of water by humans that makes it less useful to humans and other living things.

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