EnglishReading is a Good Habit Essay

Reading is a Good Habit Essay

Reading is a Good Habit Essay

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Reading is a Good Habit Essay

Reading is a good habit Essay that everyone should get into. Good books can teach you things, open your eyes to new ideas, and point you in the right direction. A good book is the best friend you can have. Reading is important because it helps your health and happiness in general. When you start to read, a whole new world opens up to you. When you start reading because you enjoy it, you get hooked on it. Reading helps you learn how to talk and learn new words. Also, reading books can help you relax and feel less stressed. It’s important to read a good book for at least a few minutes every day to keep your brain working well.

Knowledge is limitless. Even when we learn a lot, we are not satisfied because there is so much more to learn than we can take in. Reading books helps us learn more about people and the world. It also gives us more information.

India doesn’t have the habit of reading, which is a shame. Because of this, in India, 70 percent of all books published are school books, while in the West, this number is usually no more than 30 percent.

Once, the well-known Indian author Mulk Raj Anand was asked why so few people in India read. His answer was that India had a long history of passing on knowledge orally from one generation to the next.

Benefits of Reading

Reading is a habit that you have to work on every day. You have to do it once a day before it becomes a part of your life. Here are some of the things that reading can do for you.

  • Gives us the ability to understand and analyze:  When we read a lot about a subject, we get a good grasp of it in our own way. When we read something, it changes the way we talk about it. It helps us learn how to think things through, which helps us figure out what’s right and wrong.
  • Improve our communication skills:  Every day we read, we learn new words. These words can help you understand what we mean when we talk. People mostly judge us by how we talk, so reading is a great way to improve our communication skills.
  • Expand our vocabulary:  There are a lot of words we’ve never heard before. When we read, we learn a lot of new words. This helps us build our mental word dictionaries and teaches new words.
  • Getting a Few Good Things Will Make You a Better Person:  People can learn a lot from the autobiographies and life stories of a lot of famous people. We can get different ideas and values from people’s lives and use them in our own lives to be successful and become better people.
  • It can help relieve stress:  Reading is the best way to take our minds off the stress and tension of everyday life. We can feel at ease by reading a story or an inspiring book, which can change our mood and make us feel less stressed.
  • Helps you get better at writing:  Someone who reads a lot can have a better imagination. This helps a person get better at writing creatively.
  • Books are our best friends:  They can help us feel less lonely and less bored. When we are lonely and sad, they are the best people to be with. We can keep ourselves from getting bored by reading some great storybooks, science fiction, or novels.
  • Reading is good for both the mind and the body:  When we read often, our minds grow and get sharper. The more we read, the better people we become. By making reading a regular habit, we also calm down the body.
  • Reading helps us get better at focusing:  Reading helps us get better at focusing. As reading requires our full attention and takes us away from the real world. When we can focus, we get closer to reaching our goals in life.
  • Helps Boost Knowledge: Reading helps us learn more about science, art, culture, social studies, current events, etc. By reading different books, we can get information and facts from many different fields.

Essay 1 (250 Words) – Reading is a Good Habit


Without a question, our best friends throughout time have always been books. It is encouraged to make friends with books because they are always there for us and can be of assistance at any time. We can conclude that regularly reading books, newspapers, etc. is a desirable habit. We ought to develop this behavior in ourselves. Reading regularly enables us to gain a thorough understanding of the world.

Reading for Pleasure:

We feel more calm after reading a book. Regular reading habits allow us to gain access to a variety of concepts, information, and knowledge. We might say that reading helps us increase our concentration because one may lose themselves in the book itself while reading. We can reduce our pain and tension by reading. A healthy reading habit leads to a good vocabulary. Reading introduces us to a number of new words.

When we read a narrative or a novel, we frequently take on the traits of the character we are reading about and become impressed. Reading fosters the growth of our creative and imaginative faculties. It improves our personalities and aids in overall growth. People who regularly read are generally highly intelligent. They provide a wonderful response to each topic.

We come across a number of new words that we are unfamiliar with while reading. As a result, reading regularly makes it easier to add new terms to our own vocabulary. There are lots of folks who enjoy reading when they travel.


Everyone, but especially students, should make reading a habit. Reading is important and enjoyable in and of itself. It relaxes our body and mind.

Essay 2 (400 Words) – Reading is a Good Habit for the Overall Development of Children


Learning happens through reading. Reading regularly improves comprehension and problem-solving skills. Our thoughts are at calm after reading. Although many of us like reading as a pleasure, reading must be a habit for everyone. Normally, I have to read the textbooks for my subjects, but when I have free time, I adore reading fiction, picture books, and comics.

Children’s General Development Benefits from Reading

Reading must become a habit for kids. Reading regularly helps kids learn and comprehend various concepts. Reading increases vocabulary and strengthens language abilities. Children who read-create fantasies about their favorite characters. Through their reading habits, children might improve their inventive abilities. They begin to create their own world in their minds. This aids them in achieving their objectives. They can do much better in this fashion.

Reading fosters the children’s increased self-assurance and candor. Learning about morals and values is facilitated by reading literature with strong moral principles. Our minds are enriched with positive ideas through reading.

Reading literature helps us become more optimistic. It gives us a positive outlook on everything in life, which aids in stress relief. Studying the biographies of successful people provides us with inspiration and drive to work hard. Reading is important because it promotes personal growth and development.

Our Reading Habits are Changing as Technology Advances

The usage of books as a source of knowledge has decreased since the advent of the internet and numerous technologies like smartphones, tablets, and computers. Books used to be our go-to resource when we needed to research a subject or clear up a doubt, but that is no longer the case.

All questions are answered with a single click. People now prefer to read and use the internet to research topics. Nobody wants to go through books in libraries to learn or for study purposes. There will come a time when pupils will not know what books are because they will carry tablets and laptops in their bags in place of books. For those children, the books will represent the past. Reading is quite enjoyable.


A skill is reading. It inspires a variety of dreams, imaginations, and creative ideas. People who regularly read can only experience the pleasure of reading. Children must develop the habit of reading from an early age.

Conclusion : 

One of the best things a person can do is make it a habit to read. There’s a reason why people say that books are your best friend. So, it’s very important to get into the habit of reading. To get the most out of reading, we all need to do it every day for at least 30 minutes. Sitting in a quiet place and reading is a lot of fun. The most fun thing a person can do is read a good book.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 When did reading evolve in the world?

Ans. Reading emerged around 4000 BCE.

Q.2 Who invented reading books?

Ans. Reading books was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1450.

Q.3 What is meant by silent reading?

Ans. The process of reading without producing sound in reading the words is called silent reading.

Q.4 How is reading healthy?

Ans. Reading is a healthy habit because it instills positivity in us and helps in relieving our stress.

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