EnglishMan Vs Machine Essay

Man Vs Machine Essay

Man Vs Machine Essay

Man Vs Machine Essay: Machines and humans work differently because machines were created by humans. Machines were made to make life easier for people. In this essay on Machine vs man, we will talk about what are the advantages and disadvantages of machines, and why mankind created machines. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Essay on Man Vs Machine for Students

Man is a living, flesh-and-blood organism. In contrast, the machine is a mechanically powered instrument that operates under human control. Man invented machines to reduce manual labor, as well as for other reasons. We are surrounded by machines such as refrigerators, ceiling fans, televisions, automobiles, computers, washing machines, etc. On the other hand, man has also invented destructive machines, such as machine guns, fighter planes, army tanks, etc., for use in warfare.

Machines and technology are unquestionably man’s greatest inventions. However, over time, man’s reliance on technology has increased daily. Therefore, it is necessary to assess the pros and cons of machine dominance over man.

Man Vs Machine Essay

Long and Short Essays on Man Vs Machine for Students in English

Long and short essays in English on the topic of “Man vs. Machine” are provided for students and children below. The first essay consists of 400 to 500 words and is intended for students in classes 7, 8, 9, and 10. Moreover, it is extremely beneficial for those preparing for competitive exams. In contrast, the second essay of 150 to 200 words is considered a short essay. It can benefit students and children in grades 6 and below.

Long Essay on Man Vs. Machine Essay 500 Words in English

Humans and machines operate differently because humans created machines. Machines were created to facilitate human life. A machine is simply a motorized device composed of various components. Some people believe artificial intelligence is more efficient than the human brain when comparing artificial intelligence to the human brain. As time passed, human dependence on machines increased. Humans must interact with one another because machines are incapable of communication. We feel at ease expressing, investigating, and solving our problems with humans.

Mankind has created machines.

Humans are made of flesh and blood and possess life. Humans have emotions and feelings; at different times, they express a variety of emotions. Humans program the mechanical brains of machines in order for them to function. Humans comprehend the circumstance and respond accordingly, whereas machines are incapable of comprehension.

Humans are imaginative and creative. They can create and invent new things, whereas machines with artificial intelligence are incapable of doing so. Mankind controls and guides machines. Humans are endowed with intelligence and emotions, whereas machines are equipped with artificial intelligence. Humans have a wide range of diverse abilities, including language, pattern recognition, and creative thought.

Technology’s Effect on Human Life

Certain jobs are being taken over by machines and technology, which is the primary cause of unemployment and the disadvantage of machines. As humans are being replaced by machines, a number of jobs are being eliminated. Additionally, unemployment has resulted from the industrial revolution, and as a result, there has been a loss of middle-skilled jobs in various industries.

The radiation emitted by smartphones is absorbed by human bodies, which can lead to cancer, and energy consumption has increased.

Increasing vehicle usage has led to an increase in air pollution, which is detrimental to the environment. Technology has a severe impact on our environment and is responsible for drastic climate changes such as global warming, which cause a variety of human diseases. Due to climate change, machines are also responsible for the extinction of numerous bird, plant, and animal species.

Employing Machines

There are numerous machines surrounding us, including televisions, refrigerators, music systems, home theaters, and washing machines. The use of these machines has greatly simplified our lives. Humans are significantly slower than machines when it comes to processing information and performing calculations with precision and speed.

As compared to humans, computers have superior memory capacity and can store a vast amount of data. Machines are more effortless and productive than humans. With the aid of machines, products can be produced in greater quantities and at a significantly faster rate.

With cell phones, communication is simple from anywhere in the world. With the aid of transport facilities, it is possible to travel at lightning-fast speeds anywhere on the planet. It is now much simpler to conduct research and exchange viewpoints from any location in the world. Moreover, unlike humans, machines are not affected by feelings or emotions.


Machines have become an integral part of our lives and provide numerous benefits. However, it also has negative effects on our lives. There is no competition between humans and machines, as humans are the machines’ creators. Humans have created machines for a variety of reasons, and it is essential to understand the motivations behind the development of artificial intelligence and its impact on human life. Machines are used for both creation and destruction by the intelligence of humans.

Short Essay on Man Vs. Machine 200 Words in English

Below you will find a 150- to 200-word essay on Man vs. Machine. This short essay on “Man versus Machine” is appropriate for students in grades 6 and below. English Essay on Man versus Machine for Classes 1,2,3,4, and 5.

God is the creator of mankind. God embraced emotionally and intellectually capable humans. Machines are devices that require applied force, mechanical power, or electricity in order to function or complete a task.

The wheel was the first invention of man, while the robot is his most recent creation. Man created machines to help humans live a more comfortable life.

The industrial revolution increased man’s reliance on machines. In addition to dominating the fields of agriculture, telecommunications, and transportation, machines facilitate daily life with devices such as the doorbell, alarm clock, fan, ovens, computers, phones, etc.

On the contrary, the ill effects of machines are accountable for increased noise pollution, air pollution, etc., as well as a number of illnesses. The potential cause of cancer, according to medical experts, maybe radiation emitted by smartphones and microwave ovens.

Although machines allow us to be more productive, our increased reliance on them puts our lives at risk. We should not undervalue our capacity to perform a task manually.

Frequently Asked Questions on Man vs Machine

Q.1 Which is Better Man or machine?

In his book “The End of Theory,” MIT economics professor Richard Bookstaber put it succinctly: “No man is better than a machine, and no machine is better than a man with a machine.” The synthesis approach is founded on the understanding that both machines and humans have flaws.

Q.2 What is important Man or machine?

In three significant ways, humans are superior to machines: they can explore, ask questions, and be receptive to new ideas and methods of working. Humans cannot compete with machines in terms of creativity. Humans are capable of empathy, which is necessary for establishing meaningful connections with others.

Q.3 Why do machines not replace humans?

It is unlikely that humans will ever develop such a strong emotional connection with AI machines, regardless of how well they are programmed to respond to humans. Consequently, AI cannot replace humans, especially given the importance of interpersonal communication to business growth.

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