EnglishEssay on Terrorism In India

Essay on Terrorism In India

Terrorism In India Essay in English

Essay on Terrorism In India: India’s terrorism has been caused by many things, such as political, economic, social, and religious problems. In this Essay on Terrorism In India, we will talk about the origin of terrorism, the cause of terrorism, the effect of terrorism in India and, we will talk about Agencies in India Fighting Against Terrorism. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

India has experienced global terrorism. Terrorist attacks have killed and damaged many in India in recent years. There are many factors that perpetuate India’s terrorism problem.

Political, economic, social, and religious issues have fueled terrorism in India. Poverty, inequality, and corruption have disillusioned and frustrated some people, making them susceptible to extremist ideologies. Discrimination and marginalization have also fueled terrorism. Terrorism in India has also been fueled by religious fundamentalism and sectarianism.

700+ Word Essay on Terrorism In India for Students

India has seen many forms of terrorism. Kashmir and the Northeast have seen insurgency. External terrorist attacks have also occurred. Terrorism once gripped India’s flight operations. Indian Airlines 814 was hijacked in Kathmandu, and Kanishka, an Air India flight to Canada, was blown up midair. Terrorists have attacked military facilities recently. Pathankot Air Force Base and Pulwama are examples.

Essay on Terrorism In India

Terrorism Origins

Terrorism is fueled by massive production of machine guns, atomic bombs, hydrogen bombs, nuclear weapons, missiles, and other weapons. Terrorism is fueled by rapid population growth, political, social, and economic issues, public dissatisfaction with the system, a lack of education, corruption, racism, economic disparities, and language disparities. Terrorism can establish and maintain a position. Despite the contrast between caste and terrorism, Hindu-Muslim riots are the most well-known.

Terrorism causes

Anti-national groups that seek social unrest cause terrorism. Terrorists seek power. Criminal activities challenge the government. Terrorism has many causes. Terrorism results from community and country disputes and economic inequality. Language, racism, and corruption can also cause criminal terrorism. Terrorism is driven by social, economic, and political issues.

Weapons empower terrorists. Powerful terrorist groups trade illegal goods and raise funds. This encourages terrorism. Terrorism symbolises injustice. Terrorists are not Republicans. Revolutions cannot be violent. Rather, terrorism.

Impact of Terrorism in India

As mentioned, terrorism affects every nation. It’s worse in developing nations like India. First, it panics citizens. Bombings and shootings affect mental health. This kills or cripples citizens. Anxiety and fear limit one’s lifestyle.

Impact of Terrorism in India
  • Terrorism also hurts tourism. Tourism suffers when tourists avoid terrorist-prone areas. India relies on tourism. These attacks frighten tourists. Visitors cancel. Those staying also leave.
  • Terrorist attacks also make Indian foreign investors doubtful. Who would invest in a terrorist-prone nation? They choose safer options. India’s dependent business suffers greatly.
  • The economy suffers. Terrorist attacks cost lives and property, so replenishment is costly. It also drives people abroad for safety. India loses many doctors, engineers, artists, and more.

Effects of Terrorism in India

Terrorism has affected the nation. India’s terrorism impacts:

Panic among People

Terrorism has frightened Indians. Terrorist attacks occur occasionally in the country. This causes many deaths and lifelong disabilities. Public anxiety rises after each attack. Days after such attacks, people fear leaving their homes.

Tourism Industry Effect

Terrorist-prone areas scare tourists. Terrorist groups in India and abroad have hurt the tourism industry. Terrorist attacks hurt tourism for months.

Foreign Investment

Terrorist nations like India deter foreign investors. Due to high risk. They seek safer options. This has hurt Indian businesses greatly.

Damaged Economy

Terrorism hurts India’s economy. Terrorist attacks in many Indian cities have destroyed property and businesses. Such resurrections are costly. The country’s productive wealth is used to compensate for terrorist attacks. Terrorism in India has also hurt the economy by decreasing tourism, deterring foreign investment, and increasing international trade.


India’s low quality of life and terrorism scare away many talented youths. They move to economically stable, terrorist-free countries like the US, Canada, and UK. Terrorism has caused a brain drain.

Indian Anti-Terrorism Agencies

Many agencies work to eliminate terrorism in our nation. From local to national, these groups work 24/7. Regional terrorism is prevented by several police wings. Police departments have an Intelligence and Anti-terrorism wing to hunt down Naxalites and other terrorists. Our military bombs terrorists. They hunt terrorists and counter-insurgency.

Terrorism-fighting agencies abound. ATS, NIA, and RAW are major agencies (RAW). These top Indian agencies fight terrorism.

Major Indian Terror Attacks

  • Terrorism has plagued India. 26/11 in Mumbai was the worst. Terrorists took Nariman House, Oberoi Trident, and Taj Hotels. They killed nearly 170 and injured 300. Police, security, and tourists died.
  • Mumbai Train Blasts killed many. They occurred at seven Mumbai local train stations. It killed 210 and injured 715.
  • The Indian Parliament Attack was shocking. Parliament is safe. The terrorist killed three parliament staffers and six policemen. How such a safe place was attacked is shocking. To protect and develop India, terrorism must be eliminated.

Global Terrorism

Terrorism exists worldwide. Terrorist groups form for the same reasons worldwide as in India. Socioeconomic disparity, discrimination/alienation, ruling party dissatisfaction, religious extremism, and ethnonationalism are the main causes.

Terrorist cells have formed in almost every country due to the above issues. Terrorist cells occasionally attack the country to frighten the public. Transnational terrorism arises from international rivalry. Religion, economic disparity, lack of aid to developing nations, and more may cause this rivalry or hatred. Pakistan’s attacks on India and others are transnational terrorism.

Terrorist attacks have hit Pakistan, Syria, India, Russia, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, Nigeria, Israel, Philippines, Colombia, Somalia, Thailand, Turkey, Yemen, and Nepal in the past two decades. They were attacked domestically and internationally. 9/11 was one of the worst terrorist attacks on a first-world nation.


Terrorism threatens India’s security. To combat terrorism in India, all stakeholders must work together. The government must address terrorism’s causes and improve law enforcement’s response. India’s terrorism fight requires international cooperation and coordination.

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