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IQ Full Form

What is the Full form of IQ?

The IQ full form is Intelligence Quotient. Individual intelligence is measured by a series of standardized measures or subtests that yield an IQ score. William Stern, a psychologist, created the acronym “IQ” for the German term Intelligenzquotient, which he proposed in a 1912 book for a scoring system for IQ examinations at the University of Breslau.

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IQs can vary from scenario to scenario. Many approaches measure a person’s IQ. A number produced from an IQ test indicates a person’s relative intelligence. You can determine a person’s IQ using one of the numerous standardized test forms for gaining access to human data. The IQ sample used for standardization can be defined as IQ 100. The up and down deviation is fixed at 15 IQ points. According to one survey, two-thirds of the population scores between IQ 85 and IQ 115. 5% of the population achieved a score of 125.

A basic overview of the IQ

  • William Stern, a psychologist, coined the term IQ. It is derived from the German term intelligenz-quotient. In 1905, Alfred Binet and Theophilus Simon introduced the very first Intelligence Test.
  • Typically, IQ is calculated by multiplying the ratio of intellectual age to physical age by 100.

IQ Score

IQ Full Form, IQ Score

IQ Importance

  • The IQ test helps to determine an individual’s cognitive ability. It aims to determine how well individuals can use information and technology to react and forecast.
  • It permits the gathering of information regarding the candidate’s memory.
  • Teachers can use IQ testing to determine whether pupils require further support.
  • In addition to being utilized by a number of businesses for employee selection, the examination is also administered by a number of other organizations. 

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