FPO Full Form: Understanding the Concept of Farmer Producer Organizations

As agriculture is the primary source of livelihood for a large number of people in India, several initiatives have been taken to empower farmers and promote agricultural growth. In this article, we will discuss the FPO full form, the concept of FPOs, their benefits, and how they contribute to the agricultural sector’s growth.

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Agriculture is a significant contributor to the Indian economy. However, farmers face several challenges including low productivity, and lack of access to technology, finance, and markets. FPOs are a collective effort to address these challenges and empower farmers to improve their incomes and livelihoods.

What is FPO?

FPO stands for Farmer Producer Organization. It is a group of farmers who come together to form a collective enterprise that aims to improve their income and livelihoods. FPOs are registered under the Companies Act, of 2013, or the Cooperative Societies Act, of 1912, and they are owned and managed by farmers themselves.


Types of FPOs

There are two types of FPOs – Marketing FPOs and Service FPOs. Marketing FPOs are engaged in activities like aggregation, storage, processing, and marketing of agricultural produce. Service FPOs, on the other hand, provide services like input supply, extension, and training to farmers.

Objectives of FPOs

The primary objectives of FPOs are:

  • To enable farmers to collectively access technology, finance, and markets.
  • To improve the bargaining power of farmers in the market.
  • To reduce the transaction costs of farming.
  • To increase the income and livelihoods of farmers.

Benefits of FPOs

FPOs offer several benefits to farmers, which are as follows:

  • Access to technology, finance, and markets
  • Improved bargaining power
  • Reduced transaction costs
  • Increased income and livelihoods
  • Improved productivity and quality of produce
  • Better access to information and knowledge

Formation of FPOs

The formation of FPOs involves the following steps:

  • Identification of potential members
  • Mobilization and formation of a group
  • Conducting a feasibility study
  • Registration of the FPO
  • Developing a business plan
  • Mobilization of resources
  • Implementation of the business plan

Management and Governance of FPOs

FPOs are owned and managed by farmers themselves. The management and governance structure of FPOs include:

  • General Body
  • Board of Directors
  • Executive Committee
  • CEO/Manager

Funding and Support for FPOs

FPOs receive funding and support from various government and non-governmental organizations. Some of the government schemes that provide support to FPOs are:

  • National Agriculture Market (eNAM)
  • Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY)
  • Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)

Challenges Faced by FPOs

FPOs face several challenges, which are as follows:

  • Lack of awareness and understanding of the concept of FPOs
  • Limited access to finance and markets
  • Weak management and governance structures
  • Limited access to technology and information
  • Limited bargaining power in the market
  • High operational costs

Success Stories of FPOs

There are several success stories of FPOs in India. One such example is the RUDSETI FPO in Karnataka, which has transformed the lives of small and marginal farmers by providing them access to technology, finance, and markets. Another example is the Dharampur FPO in Himachal Pradesh, which has helped farmers increase their income and productivity by providing them with access to better inputs and markets.

Impact of FPOs on Agriculture

FPOs have had a significant impact on the agriculture sector in India. They have helped improve the productivity and quality of agricultural produce, increased the income and livelihoods of farmers, and reduced the transaction costs of farming. FPOs have also helped in the creation of a more inclusive and sustainable agricultural value chain.

Role of FPOs in Doubling Farmers’ Income

The government of India has set a target of doubling farmers’ income by 2022. FPOs play a crucial role in achieving this target by providing farmers with access to technology, finance, and markets. FPOs can help farmers increase their income and productivity by improving the quality of inputs, reducing post-harvest losses, and providing access to better markets and prices.


FPOs are a promising concept that can transform the lives of farmers by providing them with access to technology, finance, and markets. FPOs can help increase the income and livelihoods of farmers, improve the productivity and quality of agricultural produce, and reduce the transaction costs of farming. However, FPOs also face several challenges that need to be addressed to realize their full potential.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 How do FPOs differ from traditional cooperatives?

FPOs differ from traditional cooperatives in several ways. FPOs are primarily focused on the marketing of agricultural produce, while traditional cooperatives are involved in a wide range of activities like input supply, credit, and marketing. FPOs are also more flexible in their organizational structure and are registered under the Companies Act or the Cooperative Societies Act.

Q.2 Can individual farmers become members of FPOs?

Yes, individual farmers can become members of FPOs. However, FPOs are primarily meant for small and marginal farmers who are unable to access technology, finance, and markets on their own. FPOs also provide a platform for collective bargaining, which is not possible for individual farmers.

Q.3 How are FPOs funded?

FPOs receive funding from various government and non-governmental organizations. Some of the government schemes that provide support to FPOs are the National Agriculture Market (eNAM), Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY), and Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA). FPOs can also raise funds from their members and other sources like banks and financial institutions.

Q.4 How can FPOs help in the creation of a more inclusive and sustainable agricultural value chain?

FPOs can help in the creation of a more inclusive and sustainable agricultural value chain by providing farmers with access to technology, finance, and markets. FPOs can also help in the development of backward and forward linkages in the value chain, which can lead to better prices and income for farmers. FPOs can also promote sustainable agricultural practices like organic farming and reduce the environmental impact of agriculture.

Q.5 What are some of the best practices for the management and governance of FPOs?

Some of the best practices for the management and governance of FPOs are:

Ensuring the active participation of members in decision-making processes.
Developing a strong leadership and management team.
Establishing clear rules and procedures for the functioning of the FPO.
Ensuring transparency and accountability in financial management
Developing a strong monitoring and evaluation mechanism to assess the impact of FPO activities.

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