EnglishEssay On Vacation

Essay On Vacation

Vacation Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Vacation: The holidays are a time to unwind and think about how to get better at what you do. This essay on vacation will talk about how to make the most of your time off and also will share my vacation experiences. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Everyone needs a break from work and a chance to relax and recharge during a vacation. Having to do different things every day can stress anyone out. It will have a direct effect on both your physical and mental stability. So, when you leave your worries behind for a few days, your mind and body will start to feel better. Also, a vacation is a few days spent having fun and relaxing with family or friends.  

Long Essay on Vacation in 700 Words in English

Preparing for tests and doing homework take up most of a student’s time. So, this means that most of the time, it is only about school. They go to school, then to coaching centres, and then back home. So, students don’t have much time left to do other things, especially when they are in higher grades. 

So, when Sunday comes, it feels like a break, but most of the time, there are tests on Monday. So, a student starts to feel like he or she is trapped by the weight of schoolwork. So, an essay on vacation is a look into what a student thinks about when he or she is on vacation.

When a student can finally take a break is during the holidays. Because most students have busy work schedules. So, they can’t do the things they like or want to do. So that they can have time during the holidays to do the things they like. 

Essay On Vacation

Let’s say a student loves art and crafts and decides to sign up for one of the many art and craft classes. Some people might join different classes based on what they need and what they want to learn. Some people will take dance classes, while others might take music lessons or join sports like swimming, skating, and so on.

Also, students can spend time with their friends and family during the holidays. Also, someone who loves to spend time with their family can plan a trip during the holidays. Also, some students might spend the day at a friend’s house once in a while. 

How to Make Most During the Off?

Some tips for making the most of your time off are:

  • Do what you like and what you’re good at. It’s a good idea to take a class and do something fun for yourself. It could be swimming, yoga, dancing, painting, or music. You can start to learn by taking a short course or something else.
  • You shouldn’t take a break from school over the holidays. You should instead use this time to get better at many important things.
  • We don’t have much time to hang out with friends and family on a normal day. So, we can use the break to get together with friends and family and have fun.
  • You can also plan a trip away from your normal life with your family or friends. Try to take at least one trip every summer or winter break. 

Summer holidays are always a good time.

When I’m on summer break, I have a house full of cousins, watch a lot of scary movies, eat delicious food, and listen to the air cooler, which is both loud and soothing.

I live in a joint family, and every summer since I was a child, all of my paternal aunts and cousins come to our house. Each of my three aunts has two kids. Two of them are about my age, so I’m especially excited when they come to our house. We like a lot of the same things, so we have a lot of fun together. However, we also fight a lot. Now, this doesn’t mean I don’t like spending time with my other cousins. I’m glad they’re there, too.

We all like to watch scary movies. So, while they are here, we watch a scary movie almost every night. We turn off all the lights and close all the doors, then we all sit down together to watch this scary story. To take the experience to the next level, we scream, shout, and scare each other. I really enjoy the crazy nights I spend with my crazy cousins.

We also do different things both inside and outside. We walk in the morning and in the evening, play, eat street food, and go to the nearby malls with our parents.

We all have to sit and study for about two to three hours every day. It’s better than studying on your own. Even though we try to find ways to get out of these study sessions, they aren’t that bad. During this time, we get to eat tasty snacks and whisper and laugh with each other, which makes these sessions fun. 


Vacations are fun, and summer vacations are the most fun of all. I look forward to them every year because they are the longest breaks I get. It is a great time to get a lot of sleep and spend time with extended family. 

Short Essay on Vacation

People say that vacation is the best time for everyone. We all look forward to this time of year and have lots of plans for it. But sometimes we keep making plans for vacations but never follow through on them.

Some people’s plans never come to fruition because they keep putting them off, while others don’t have good company or enough money.

I plan a lot for my vacations, just like everyone else. When I was younger, I wasted most of my vacation time by putting things off. At the end of each vacation, I always felt bad about how I’d spent my time. But now I know how to plan my vacations. This makes me feel happy and at peace.

I make sure to plan at least one short trip with my family for my summer and winter breaks. When I’m on vacation, if my family doesn’t have time to plan a trip, I go on one that my school has set up. These kinds of trips are very exciting and refreshing. I also make sure to study for a few hours every day during the summer.

I also love doing chores around the house with my mom and going shopping with her. I love vacations and look forward to them all the time. 

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