EnglishEssay on Secularism

Essay on Secularism

Essay on Secularism | Secularism Essay for Students in English

In this Essay on Secularism, you will find out what secularism really means and how it affects the world today, Religious Freedom, etc. with this in-depth essay. Find out what role secularism plays in promoting equality and tolerance. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Essay on Secularism

Secularism is the idea that you should follow a system that doesn’t believe in religion. It also says that religion shouldn’t be a part of public education or state business. It is important for democratic countries to be secular so that there aren’t any problems. In many theocratic societies, the law is often made to favor the people who follow the majority religion. Secularism is when religion stays out of the government and people don’t have to use different facilities based on their religion. India is a secular country, so we’ve put together a list of long and short essays on secularism for readers to use.

Essay on Secularism

Long and Short Essays on Secularism for Students and Kids in English

Here is a long essay of about 400–500 words for students in grades 7, 8, 9, and 10, as well as a short piece of about 100–150 words for students in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Long essay on Secularism 500 words in English

In simple terms, secularism is an idea that says people have the right to follow any religion or none at all. It gives the state the responsibility to stay neutral when it comes to religious matters. In a secular country, it is against the law for the government to favor or dislike a certain religion. But people who live in a country are free to choose and follow whatever religion they want.

What does secularism mean?

The word “secular” means “apart” from religion or not based on religion. Secularism is the idea that religion should not be involved in the political, economic, social, or cultural parts of life. So, religion is only a matter of the individual. It gives all religions full freedom and respects all religions. It also says that people of all religions should have the same chances in life. So, there shouldn’t be any favoritism or bias based on religion.

Secularism is important because it is one of the most important things a democratic country has done. It gives us a number of benefits, such as:

Religious Freedom

There are many good things about living in a secular state. One of them is freedom of religion. People are free to follow whatever religion they want or none at all.

Decisions that are fair

The state’s independence from religious groups makes sure that fair decisions are made. They treat everyone the same, whether they are religious or not. No religious group can force the government to act in a way that helps them.

Freedom to Say

People can also say what they think and believe freely in a secularist society. As in a secular state, there is no way for a religious group to try to take over. This hurts the right to speak out more and more.

Secularism in India: A Brief History

In India, secularism has been around since 1976. During the 42nd change to the Indian Constitution, it was said that the country was a secular state. The people who ran India before it became independent had a vision of a country where religion didn’t matter.

No religion can be the state religion, and the government can’t choose one. The idea of secularism in India supports the fact that all religious groups can live together. It was hard to put the idea of secularism into practice in India, which has more than a dozen different religions. So, there are some problems that haven’t been solved yet.

Secularism in the West and in India

In the West, secularism is based on the idea that the government and religion should be kept separate. It only talks about a person’s right to follow whatever religion they want. India’s secularism believes that all religions should be treated fairly and equally, and the law treats them all the same.

But the Indian government should not be mixed up with religion. While also making sure that no religion gets the special treatment that hurts others. In the west, secularism is based on the idea that every person has the right to follow any religion they want.

Problems with being nonreligious

Even though the leaders of the independent state have worked hard to make sure that secularism is applied fairly. But there are still some problems that need to be fixed to make sure that everything works in a peaceful and fair way.

Both the government and religious groups should work on their own and follow the law. Even though India has been independent for a number of years, political parties still talk about religion and caste. Some politicians don’t want to make a secular state because it would be good for them personally.


It’s important to realize that a state can’t be truly secular if it just has secularism written in its books. So, the whole idea must be accepted with grace and applied to everyone in the same way. While keeping an eye on the government to make sure that religious groups don’t use unfair means to get power.

So, everyone should be careful to follow the law, no matter their gender, religion, status as a majority or minority, etc. So, the ideology should be taught to young people.

Short Essay on Secularism 150 words in English

Secularism means that religions and the government don’t get involved in each other’s business. It also means that all religions in a state are treated equally and with respect.

In simple terms, secularism is an ideology that says people have the right to follow any religion or no religion at all. It gives the state the responsibility to stay neutral when it comes to religious matters. In a secular country, the government can’t legally like or dislike a certain religion. However, people who live there are free to follow and practice any religion they want.

Secular states aren’t supposed to have an official state religion, and the government and its officials should make sure that no religious group can influence any state decisions. This means that the state should be independent when making decisions, and all religions should be treated the same. In a truly secular state, no religion can be put first or favored. Many democracies around the world have written secularism into their constitutions because it keeps the peace between different religious groups and makes sure that the government works smoothly.

Frequently Asked Questions on Secularism Essay

Q.1 What is the importance of secularism?

This can mean cutting ties between a government and a state religion, replacing religious laws with civil laws (like Halakha, Manusmriti, and Sharia), and ending discrimination based on religion. This is said to help democracy by protecting the rights of religious minorities.

Q.2 What are the 3 principles of secularism?

Secularism is based on three main ideas: separation of institutions, freedom of belief, and no discrimination based on religion.

Q.3 Who started secularism?

Even though the idea of secularism has been around for a long time, the word “secularism” was only made up by a British reformer in the 19th century.

Q.4 Who introduced secularism in India?

About 2200 years ago, Ashoka and Harsha were tolerant of and helped people of different religions. In ancient India, people were free to practice any religion they wanted, and the state gave citizenship to everyone, no matter what religion they followed, whether it was Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, or something else.

Q.5 What is the law of secularism?

Secular legal systems don’t have anything to do with religion, but they don’t have God either. Secularization means that the name of God is not used as a legal term. A secular legal system doesn’t start with God, but he can still be a source of light for it.

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