EnglishEssay on My Garden: A place of peace and quiet

Essay on My Garden: A place of peace and quiet

My Garden Essay for Students and Children

Essay on My Garden: I think the best place in the house is the garden. As it is the only place where people can take a break from their busy lives. In this Essay on My Garden, we will talk about the atmosphere of the garden, where the morning begins. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

The garden is thought to be the most beautiful part of the house. It is a place to get away from the daily grind and relax. When the whole family gets together to chat in the garden, it helps to make and mend bonds with each other.  

Long Essay on My Garden in English (600 Words)

I think the best place in the house is the garden. As it is the only place where people can take a break from their busy lives. There are also many health benefits to having a garden at home. In a garden, for example, there are many plants that give off oxygen.

Also, the smell of flowers can make a person feel better first thing in the morning. People can’t build gardens now, though, because there isn’t enough room. Some people also think it’s a waste of space. So the house no longer has any gardens. On the other hand, homes need to have gardens. A garden is an important part of living a peaceful life.

Essay on My Garden

My Garden

There are many different kinds of plants in my garden. For example, it has roses, sunflowers, lilies, and daisies among other flowers. These flowers are the easiest to grow, and their smells make the world a better place. Also, the colours of these flowers add beauty to a garden.

Also, different kinds of vegetables grow in my garden. For example, tomatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, cauliflower, bell peppers, and other vegetables. These are the ones that grow the best. Besides this, they are good for your health in other ways. Also, this makes sure that the vegetables are fresh and have no chemicals on them.

The whole garden is covered with grass. So, it’s the best place to work out because of this. Also, the ground is soft, so kids can play different sports on it.

This makes sure that even if they fall down while playing, they won’t get hurt. My garden also has a swing, which is my favourite thing there. Because I can swing on it for hours without getting bored. Sometimes I do everything I need to do in the garden for the whole day. But I can only do this when I’m on vacation.

The Gardener

He takes care of the garden because he enjoys it. Also, he is the only one who set up the whole thing. My dad loves the outdoors. So, despite his busy schedule, he makes time to take care of the garden. In the garden, he always tries something new. For example, he brought some new flower types last week. Some of them were climbers, while others were bulbs or perennials.

Because of this, my garden is now full of flowers and the most colourful of all. My father has picked someone else to take care of the garden in addition to himself. Since he can’t be in the house, the gardener comes at that time. The gardener is also in charge of making the plants look nice and cutting them. 

My Morning Begins Here

My morning begins in my garden. The first thing I do when I wake up is go to my garden. It’s the best way for me to start the day. I love everything about this place. My grandfather has already taken a seat on the small bench we set up. I move over and sit next to him. I do deep breathing for about 15 minutes, then I look at the different plants in the garden. The view is very refreshing. I don’t start my daily tasks until I’ve spent about 30 minutes in my garden.

my beautiful garden

The Best Way to Spend My Evening

After my classes, I often go out with my friends in the evening. It gives me a break from school and the coaching institute after a long day. We go to the nearby market to get some snacks and talk for a while before going home. Even though I look forward to this time every day, I love being in my garden in the evening even more. I invite my friends over to my place a lot. My mom brings us hot soup and snacks while we sit in the garden. I can’t think of a better way to spend the evening.


A big part of my life is my garden. This place can make me feel better in a matter of seconds. I help take care of my grandfather’s garden. 

My Garden Essay for Class 1

  1. I have a small, pretty garden in front of my house.
  2. In my garden, I have roses, orchids, sunflowers, and lilies, all of which are very pretty.
  3. My grandfather loves to garden, so every day he takes care of us.
  4. He showed me how to water plants every day.
  5. Every night, Jimmy, my dog, and I play in the garden.
  6. When I go on vacation with my family, we go to local nurseries to pick up more plant seedlings for our garden.
  7. Orchids are my favourite flower, and we have many different kinds in our garden.
  8. Every day, the sun shines brightly on the plants, and above the flowers, beautiful butterflies fly around.
  9. In my garden, there is an apple tree that grows sweet apples.
  10. My favourite thing to do is garden, and I like to spend time in my garden. 
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