EnglishEssay on Caste System India: The Impact of the Caste System on...

Essay on Caste System India: The Impact of the Caste System on Indian Society

Caste System India Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Caste System India: One of the biggest problems people face today is the caste system. It is a system that basically divides people based on their caste. Read here about the caste system in India. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Long Essay on Caste System India in 500 Words in English

One of the biggest problems people face today is the caste system. It is a system that basically divides people based on their caste. In India, though, this is a very common problem. Our country has had it for a very long time. Some people think it’s true, but others don’t. It depends on what a person thinks and how they think. On the other hand, some people are against this system, while others are for it. It’s mostly a way to separate people from each other.

Issues Caused by the Caste System

The kids from the higher castes have a hard time getting jobs. Before, it wasn’t this hard to find a job. The Scheduled Caste (SCs), Schedule Tribes (STs), and the other backward classes (OBCs) get lower grades than a general candidate. This is because they have a reservation, and the marks or grades they need to get in are lower than what a general candidate needs.

The caste system is to blame for this. People say that the people from the Lower castes need and deserve the reservation. They need it because people treat them differently because of the caste system, which is a form of discrimination. Not all of them, but many of them are looked down on by the generals. There are still a lot of people who don’t agree with the caste system.

There are a lot of talented students who can’t get into good colleges and universities. This is because of the fact that people from lower castes are given special rights. They get seats in schools and colleges that are set aside for them, and they don’t have to study as hard for entrance exams because they need less marks or performance than other students.

How things are now in the caste system

The way people from different castes interact with each other is getting better. Intercaste marriage is still a problem in our society. For many, it’s wrong to marry someone from a different caste. On the other hand, many people think it’s not a bad thing to worry about. The upper castes are either making money or getting an education, or sometimes both.

In the planning era, they often take the lead in the new commercial, administrative, and industrial institutions. So, those at the top of the list of castes. These are still at the top, and the old levels of prestige based on caste have been replaced by an equal level of economic and social power.

When the dominant castes see the Harijans trying to use the rights given to them by the constitution, they attack them. They are being hurt by the dominant class, and their huts are being burned by the fire. Also, people are starting to stop going out with them.

The rise of caste as a political force was a big change that happened before the country got its independence. New institutions are springing up in the life of cities. Caste politics are becoming a big part of politics in many states. When deciding who to vote for, the first thing that is looked at is the candidate’s caste. 

Caste System in India Essay (200 words)

In India, the Caste System puts people into four groups: Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras. It was thought that Brahma, the Hindu God of creation, was the one who made these groups. Brahmins are people who are priests, smart people, and teachers. People thought that they came from the head of Brahma, which put them at the top of the hierarchy.

The Kshatriyas come next. They are the rulers and warriors. These look like they came from God. The Vaishyas are merchants, traders, and farmers. They are thought to have come from Brahma’s thighs. The Shudras are the workers. They are thought to have come from Brahma’s feet. Based on their jobs, these main groups were further split into as many as 3,000 castes and 25,000 sub-castes.

Manusmriti, the most important book on Hindu law, says that the Varna system was made to bring order and consistency to society. The idea is said to be 3,000 years old, and it says that people are different based on their dharma and karma (work).

Since ancient times, the caste system has had a big impact on both the religious and social lives of the people in the country. This trend is still going on today, with political parties taking advantage of it to get what they want. 

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