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DOTS Full Form

What is the full form of DOTS?

The DOTS full form is Directly Observed Therapy. It is also referred to as TB – DOTS. It refers to a technique aimed at curing TB (tuberculosis) and lowering the risk of new cases. In this method, a healthcare professional or other qualified person administers the required TB drugs to tuberculosis patients and ensures that each dose is taken. If the patient is left alone, he or she may miss dosages, which can lead to the spread of drug-resistant tuberculosis.

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The main things DOTS does

  • Provision of the medicine specified in the DOTS.
  • Examining medication-related negative effects.
  • To ensure the patient consumes the medication,
  • Detailing the visit.
  • Answering TB & DOTS pertinent queries.

Importance of DOTS

  • DOTS prevents the spread of tuberculosis.
  • DOTS decreases the likelihood of a therapeutic mistake.
  • DOTS enables patients to complete their tuberculosis treatment as rapidly and uninterruptedly as possible.
  • Reduces the likelihood of drug-resistant TB emerging from inadequate treatment.
  • As reported, during DOTS, 85-90 percent of tuberculosis patients correctly took their drugs, compared to 62 percent of TB patients who self-administered their medications.
  • We cannot guarantee that the patient will take the medication as prescribed; individuals can fail or have trouble swallowing tablets correctly. Through DOTS, this issue can be resolved. 

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