EnglishDemocracy in India Essay

Democracy in India Essay

Democracy in India Essay for Students and Children

Democracy in India Essay: The word “democracy” comes from the Greek language and means “the people and their rules.” In a democracy, the people get to choose their own government. In this essay we will talk about Principal of democracy, Features of Indian Democracy, and Steps to Strengthen Democracy in India. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Abraham Lincoln, the great president of the United States of America, came up with the phrase “of the people, by the people, and for the people.” This phrase sums up the most important values and ideas of democracy. Democracy might not be the best way to run a country, but one thing is certain: there is no other way to run a country. 

Sure, democracy has its own flaws and problems, but at its core, it is based on the idea that everyone should be treated equally and treat each other with respect. The alternatives to democracy are authoritarianism, dictatorship, and fascism, none of which protect people’s basic freedoms and human values. 

Democracy in India Essay

Essay on Democracy in India in English

First of all, a democracy is a form of government in which people vote to make decisions. India puts a lot of value on democracy. Also, India is without a doubt the world’s largest democracy. Also, India’s democracy comes from the country’s constitution. 

After years of being ruled by the British, India finally became a democratic country in 1947. Most importantly, Indian democracy has been based on the ideas of justice, freedom, and equality since it became independent.

The basic ideas of democracy:

There are five main principles: republic, socialist, sovereign, democratic, and secular. Political parties will run for office based on these qualities. There will be a lot of bribes given to people who need food, money, or a place to live, and they will be asked to vote for who they want. But we can still say that India’s democracy is better than the ones in other countries.

Basically, every country needs democracy in order to grow and run its government better. In some countries, freedom of political expression, freedom of speech, and freedom of the press are seen as ways to make sure voters are well-informed so they can vote based on what they want.

Features of Indian Democracy

Independence is an important part of democracy in India. Sovereignty means that a government has full control over itself without any help from outside. Indian democracy also lets people use their power. The most important thing is that the people of India choose who represents them. Also, these people are still responsible for regular people.

India’s democracy is based on the idea that everyone has the same political rights. Also, it means that everyone is treated the same way by the law. Most importantly, no one is treated differently because of their religion, caste, creed, race, sect, etc. So, every Indian citizen has the same political rights because of this.

Rule by the majority is one of the most important parts of democracy in India. Also, the government is made up of and run by the party that wins the most seats. Most importantly, no one can argue against what most people want.

Federalism is another part of Indian democracy. Most important, India is made up of many different states. Also, the states have some control over their own affairs. Also, the states have freedom over some things.

Indian democracy is known for its emphasis on collective responsibility. In India, the council of Ministers is responsible to their own legislatures as a whole. So, no minister is solely to blame for anything their government does.

Indian democracy is based on the idea that people can make up their own minds. Also, the government and its institutions must work based on what the people want. Most importantly, people in India need to decide what they think about different things. Also, the Indian Legislature is a good place for people to voice their opinions.

How to make India’s democracy stronger

First, people need to stop blindly trusting the media. The news reported by the media is often taken out of context and blown up. Most importantly, some media outlets may spread a political party’s propaganda. So, people should be careful and cautious when taking news from the media.

Getting rid of the consumer mentality in elections is another important way to make the Indian democracy stronger. Buying a product is how some Indians think about national elections. Most importantly, elections should make Indians feel like they are part of the country instead of separate from it.

People in India should speak up. Also, people should try to talk to their elected official all year long, not just when it’s election time. So, people who want to talk to their elected official must write, call, email, or go to community forums. This would definitely help make Indian democracy stronger.

India’s democracy can be strengthened by having a lot of people vote. People should not wait and should come out to vote. Most importantly, a large number of people voting would show that a lot of regular people in India are interested in politics.

Why democracy is important

Democracy is the best kind of government because it gives the people the power to make decisions and choose their own leaders. In anarchy or monarchy, where there is no leader or where the King or Queen has absolute power, people tend to be violent or don’t get what they want.

People are at the centre of democracy, so they will be able to make their own choices and have equal rights. As people vote for their representatives, everyone has a part to play in making the country better as a whole. In a democracy, all citizens are treated the same. 

No one gets special treatment based on their caste, gender, religion, race, etc., and no one is discriminated against because of these things. A democratic country takes into account and accepts the differences between people so that the country doesn’t suffer.

India is a democratic country where people over the age of 18 can vote for the leader they want. India’s democracy is based on five main ideas: being sovereign, being secular, being a republic, being socialist, and being democratic. Even though India is said to be the biggest democracy, there are still problems that make it hard to fully experience democracy there. 

Corruption, bribery, and the caste system can make it hard for democracy to work, but India’s democracy is much better than those in other countries.

In the end, India’s democracy is a very important thing. Also, it is a gift from the country’s patriotic leaders to the people of India. Most importantly, the people of this country need to know and understand how important democracy is. India’s democracy is definitely one of a kind. 

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