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CPR Full Form

What is the full form of CPR?

The CPR full form is Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation. Cardiovascular relates to the heart, Pulmonary to the lungs, and Resuscitation to the act of reviving. CPR is frequently regarded as a lifesaving technique in emergency situations such as heart attacks and cardiac arrests. In addition to heart disease, asphyxia, drowning, and electrical shock can cause cardiac arrest. A mix of rescue breathing and chest compressions is required for CPR.

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  • Rescue respiration provides oxygen to the lungs of human.
  • Compressions in the chest maintain the flow of oxygen-rich blood until the heartbeat and breathing can be restored.

Relevance of CPR

  • If blood circulation quits, permanent death or brain damage will develop swiftly. Consequently, it is vital to maintain blood circulation and respiration until the arrival of medically skilled aid; CPR can be used to maintain blood circulation.
  • CPR can be administered by any trained individual and consists of chest compressions and rescue breathing.
  • CPR is performed within the first six minutes after the heartbeat stops, and it can keep a person alive until medical assistance is administered.
  • CPR is performed until the patient’s heartbeat recovers to normal or until the patient is pronounced dead.

CPR Safety Measure

A few considerations before to doing CPR on the patient

  • Examine the location to ensure that it is secure for administering CPR.
  • Determine whether or not the patient is conscious.
  • Request urgent medical attention as soon as possible. 

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