EnglishCompulsory Military Training Essay

Compulsory Military Training Essay

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Compulsory Military Training Essay

Some recent events have made people think that every able-bodied Indian citizen should be required to go through a Compulsory Military Training Essay. Some countries’ full-fledged attacks have forced the Indian government to think about this problem again. Our leaders have realized that we need a strong force that can boost morale in order to deal with these two problems. So, the country has been given the slogan “Militarise the Nation.”

Military science training is important and useful in more than one way. There is no doubt that it makes people more disciplined. It also teaches good things like self-defense, service, sacrifice, devotion, and dedication. Training the military is a way to protect against an attack from another country. People stay physically fit and mentally sharp by going to the military. It also gives us more strength to work.

In fact, if all young people in India had to go to military school, we would not only have a huge army to fight India’s enemies, but we would also be able to fight many diseases and other wars on the economic, social, and health fronts. The morale of the country would go up if we made our military stronger.

Also, military training can be used in many ways outside of the military. It teaches people how to listen and take charge. The goal of military training is to get men ready to die for their country whenever it is threatened by an enemy power. It teaches people to put others before themselves. Duty is more important to a soldier than food and rest. A soldier goes looking for ways to help his people and country.

By going through military training, we’ll get better at things we don’t pay much attention to now. It would improve things like teamwork, loyalty, a sense of duty, the value of time, the dignity of work, selflessness, a noble spirit, and the desire to get along with others. Military training is the only way to get all of these head and heart skills.

Training in the military helps in case of an emergency or an attack from another country. The trained commandos can do many things because they know how to use guns like pistols, revolvers, and rifles. This means they can protect the nation’s interests.

Mass military training would take a long time and cost a lot of money, but the disciplined people who would come out of it would be very good for the country. It would show people that the good of the country comes first and that their own needs come second. This would also help our farms and factories make more. Our country would be free of corruption and favouritism. Our country would be based on the ideas of efficiency and hard work.

The following examples show how important military training is. It was this kind of spirit that helped Sir Winston Churchill, a good soldier and politician from England, win World War II. Napoleon’s military discipline also helped him do some very brave things. This was also what drove Maharana Pratap and Shivaji to fight against their enemies’ bad actions. In fact, there are many ways in which military training is useful.

So, if we really want to make India a great country that is free of all the bad things like corruption, nepotism, and people looking out for only themselves, it is high time that we give our youth military training and make them the real soldiers and savers of the motherland. This would also be the second line of defense in times of war or other trouble.

Conclusion : 

It will definitely take time to finish this mass training. A lot of money will be needed. But think about how much the country will gain from having disciplined people. It will teach people to put the needs of the country first and their own needs second.

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