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BCA Full Form

What is the full form of BCA?

The BCA full form is Bachelors in Computer Application. BCA is a three-year program for those wishing to enter the field of programming languages. BCA is the most common option for beginning a career in information technology. A BCA degree is equivalent to a B.Tech or BE in Computer Science.

Highlights of BCA Course

  • BCA is a three-year undergraduate program.
  • The BCA is a semester-style test.
  • The BCA program requires a 12th-grade diploma from a recognized board or university.
  • After qualifying on the entrance exam, the BCA admissions procedure includes counseling.

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Eligibility Criteria for BCA Course

  • The candidate must have passed the 12th board examination from a reputable university or completed a diploma program (two or three years) after passing the 10th board examination.
  • A candidate with a background in trade or the arts may also apply.
  • Some university administers the admission exams for BCA programs.

BCA Syllabus and Career Opportunity

The BCA curriculum covers database management tools, computer architecture, operating systems, web technology, software engineering, and various programming languages such as C, C++, HTML, and Java, among others. The IT business is expanding rapidly, resulting in a daily increase in demand for BCA graduates.

After obtaining a BCA degree, students will find potential work possibilities at top organizations such as Infosys, Oracle, IBM, and Wipro.

BCA graduates are recruited not just by private firms, but also by public agencies. Government institutions such the Indian Air Force (IAF), India Navy, and Indian Army are also hiring a significant number of IT specialists.

What is the opportunity after BCA?

There are other choices available to BCA graduates, such as pursuing an MSc. in computer science, working as an instructor or teacher in a university, college, or school, or becoming a web designer.

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