EnglishAn Indian Farmer Essay

An Indian Farmer Essay

Essay on Indian Farmer

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Essay on Indian Farmer

An Indian Farmer Essay: Farmers are India’s main source of income. Farming is the main way that more than half of the people in India make a living. Farmers not only keep the country safe by growing food, animal feed, and other raw materials that industries need, but they also provide a living for the majority of the people in India. Even though farmers feed everyone, they sometimes go to sleep without eating their own dinner. In this essay about an Indian farmer, we’ll talk about what farmers do and what problems they face. Students must read this CBSE essay to get ideas for writing their own essays.

India is known for having an economy based on farming. According to data from the World Bank, almost 42% of the people who work in India are in agriculture. Agriculture is very important for a country like India, which has the second most people in the world.

A lot of people in our country live in rural areas and work in farming. Farmers provide us with food. They are often called the backbone of the Indian economy. Their impact on society can’t be measured. But farmers have to deal with a lot of problems. Now is the time to deal with their problems. Our agrarian economy depends on the success of our farmers.

500+ Words Essay on Indian Farmer

Farmers are the most important people in India. This is also a sensitive subject that needs to be dealt with carefully. People in India do a lot of different things for a living, but farming is by far the most common job. On the other hand, they are the backbone of the economy, but they still have a lot of problems that affect not only them but also other people. Even though farmers feed the whole country, they sometimes can’t even afford to feed themselves and their families well.

An Indian Farmer Essay

Importance and Role of Indian Farmers

Before the 1970s, India did not grow enough food grains to feed itself, so it had to buy a lot of food from other countries. But when our imports started to make us feel like we had no choice but to buy them, Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri found a solution and encouraged our farmers. Also, he came up with the slogan “Jai Jawan, Jai Kisan,” which people still use today.

After this, the Green Revolution began in India, and we were able to grow enough food grains to feed ourselves. We also started sending our extra goods to other countries.

Also, farmers make up about 17% of the economy of the country. But they continue to live in poverty. Also, they work for themselves and depend on farming as their only and main job.

Role of Farmers

Farmers are the ones who keep the economy going. That’s why; a big part of our population is involved with it in some way. Also, every person in the country depends on the products they make from agriculture.

The Current Condition of the Farmers

Farmers feed the whole country, but it’s hard for them to get two good meals a day. Also, farmers are killing themselves because they are in debt and feel bad that they can’t feed their families and give them a good life. Many farmers are moving to the cities to find a more stable source of income that will allow them to feed their families well.

But if farmers keep killing themselves and leaving their farms, India will once again have to import food instead of selling it. Large-scale campaigns have brought attention to the issue of farmer suicide. But we should ask ourselves if these efforts are enough to save our Annadata (food provider).

Also, you can tell how bad the problem is by the fact that every year, tens of thousands of farmers kill themselves. The main reason they killed themselves was that they couldn’t pay back the loans they had taken out. Also, the most farmers are forced to live at or below the poverty line. Most of all, they have to sell their goods for less than the MSP (Minimum Support Price).

In conclusion, we’ve come a long way since we got our independence, but we still have a lot to do. Even though they do so much for the economy, farmers and villagers still live in misery in the villages. But if we take the problem seriously and try to solve the farmers’ problems, one day the villages will be as rich as the cities.

Long and Short Essays on Indian Farmers in English for Students and Kids

Long and Short Essays on Indian Farmers in English for Students and Kids

Here is a 400–500-word long essay on “Indian Farmer” and a 200-word short essay on “Indian Farmer.”

Long Essay on Indian Farmer in English 500 Words in English

The long essay on Indian Farmer is good for students in 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th grade, as well as those who want to do well on competitive exams.

India is a developing country with an agrarian economy. Most of its people live in villages, where 70% of the population lives. The World Bank says that 42% of the people who work in India work in agriculture. In an economy that depends a lot on farming, farmers have a very important job to do. Farmers in India make sure that food production doesn’t stop and that everyone has access to food.

India used to get its food grains from the U.S., but now it gets them from other places. India had to pay more for imports because more money was leaving the country and the United States raised tariffs. India had no choice but to start making its own food and become self-sufficient. During Lal Bahadur Shastri’s reign as prime minister, the slogan ‘Jai Jawan Jai Kisan’ became popular. India became self-sufficient when the green revolution began in 1965, and the surplus grew.

The green revolution helped Indian farmers because it led to new ways of doing things that helped them make more money. Farmers have made it possible for India to grow its own food grains. India is the 7th largest agricultural exporter in the world because its people work hard and export a lot of rice, sugar, cotton, and other goods. They grow enough food to feed more than a billion people, as well as countries that depend on us for food.

But farmers have to deal with many problems. Many farmers fall into debt and have to deal with harsh moneylenders. Due to high-interest rates, farmers have to use their profits to pay off their debts, leaving them with very little money for their families. The land is not easy to get; there are often land disputes, and it costs a lot to rent. When there isn’t enough water for crops, farmers are the ones who suffer the most. Climate change also has an effect on how crops are grown. When the monsoons don’t come, many people don’t have the right ways to water their crops. Pesticides and fertilizers cost a lot of money. There are a lot of farmers who can’t read or write and don’t know how to use technology. With the number of farmers who kill themselves going up, now is the time to deal with their problems.

Corruption in agriculture needs to stop, and people should be able to get loans easily and at lower interest rates. This will help solve their problems and give them money to buy fertilizers and pesticides. When their crops fail, they should get some money to make sure they don’t go hungry. A helpline has been set up by the government to help farmers. Another way to help the Indian Farmer is through insurance.

The Indian government set up plans to help farmers. Here are some of them:

  • Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchayee Yojana (PMKSY)
  • Plan for a Soil Health Card
  • National Agriculture Market (NAM) National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA) (e-NAM)
  • Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)

Farmers are very important to the way food is grown. They have a lot of problems, and farming is a hard and tricky job in and of itself. The whole country depends on farmers, so it’s important to solve their problems, help them get rich, and improve their lives and standard of living.

Short Essay on Indian Farmer 200 Words in English for Kids

The “Indian Farmer” essay is good for students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

India has billions of people and is very different. We spend a lot of time with our friends and family in villages, where many of them work as farmers. Farmers are very important because they grow food. They work hard to feed a country like India, which has a lot of people. Farmers also help our country grow, and now we don’t have to get food grains from other countries. India sends many of these countries food grains like rice, sugar, cotton, etc. Farmers’ lives have become easier because of the green revolution.

But farmers have a lot of problems. When the monsoons are late, crops can’t grow and farmers can’t make money. Climate change has made it harder to grow crops. When farmers take out loans from moneylenders, they can’t pay them back if the crop fails, and sometimes the moneylenders cheat them. Many farmers don’t go to school, so they don’t know how to use technology well. They can’t afford fertilizers and chemicals to kill pests.

The government made a lot of programs to help Indian farmers. A helpline is also available. Farmers are so important to our economy that they are often called the “backbone” of our country. They help grow our country. Many of them are miserable, and we need to help them.


India’s rural areas are changing, but they still have a long way to go. Better farming methods have helped farmers, but the growth is not spread out evenly. Stopping farmers from moving to cities should be the main goal. To make farming successful and profitable, it is very important to focus on improving the lives of small and marginal farmers.

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Frequently asked Questions on Indian farmer Essay

Q. 1 What is the role of farmers?

A farmer is someone who is engaged in agriculture and raising livestock for a living.

Q.2 How much percentage of the workforce engages in agriculture?

42% of the Indian workforce engages in agriculture.

Q.3 How has the green revolution benefited farmers in India?

The green revolution brought in modern methods of agriculture to boost production. Due to their efforts, India is self-sufficient and the 7th largest exporters of food grains.

Q.4 What is the latest bill that has been passed in India for farmers?

The Farmers’ Produce Trade and Commerce (Promotion and Facilitation) Bill is the newest bill passed for farmers in 2020.

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