EnglishAir Pollution Essay | Essay Writing on Air Pollution in 500 words

Air Pollution Essay | Essay Writing on Air Pollution in 500 words

Air Pollution Essay

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Air Pollution Essay in English 

Air pollution is caused by the rising amount of corrosive and toxic substances in the fresh air of the environment. Many different kinds of foreign particles, toxic gases, and other pollutants released by humans are changing the fresh air in ways that hurt people, animals, and plants.

Air Pollution Essay 100 Words

People all over the world worry about how dirty the air is. Most of the time, burning oil, coal, or natural gas is what makes the air dirty. Toxic particles are spread through the air by the exhaust fumes from cars and trucks. Pollution can hurt your health and lead to things like asthma, headaches, and other allergy symptoms.

The World Health Organization says that air pollution is a health risk because it comes from the environment. Many countries have taken steps to fix the problem of dirty air. After reading the 100-word essay on air pollution and learning about it, let’s move on to the causes.

500+ Words Essay on Air Pollution

Before, the air we breathed was clean and pure. But as industrialization grows and more poisonous gases get into the air, the air is getting more and more dangerous every day. Also, these gases cause many diseases of the lungs and other parts of the body. Air pollution is mostly caused by people doing things like burning fossil fuels and cutting down trees at a very fast rate.

How Air Gets Polluted?

When we burn fossil fuels, firewood, and other things, oxides of carbon are made. These oxides get into the air. Before, there were a lot of trees, which make it easy for the air we breathe to be cleaned. But as the need for land grew, people started cutting down trees, which led to the loss of forests. In the end, that made the tree less able to filter the air.

Also, the number of cars that run on fossil fuels has grown quickly in the last few decades, which has led to more pollution in the air.

air pollution essay

Causes Of Air Pollution

It is caused by burning fossil fuels and firewood, factory smoke, volcanic eruptions, forest fires, bombardment, asteroids, CFCs, carbon oxides, and many other things.

There are also other things that pollute the air, such as waste from factories and farms, waste from power plants and thermal nuclear plants, and so on.

Greenhouse Effect

Because air pollution produces the gases involved in the greenhouse effect, it is also a cause of air pollution. Furthermore, it raises the temperature of the earth’s surface to the point where the polar caps melt and most UV rays easily penetrate the earth’s surface.

Effects Of Air Pollution On Human Health

Air pollution has numerous negative consequences. It causes patients to have breathing issues, heart attacks, and strokes. It is also the cause of lung illness and cancer. Air pollution, like any other sort of pollution, poses serious health dangers to all living things.

In extremely polluted locations, people are more likely to die from respiratory disease and lung cancer. People are more prone to respiratory infections and inflammation as a result of air pollution. The body can also easily absorb hazardous elements in contaminated air.

These are the negative effects of air pollution mentioned in the air pollution essay pdf. There are a few preventive methods and therapies available to lessen the adverse effects of air pollution. Let us examine how to lessen air pollution using the air pollution essay.

How to Reduce Air Pollution

Air pollution has been a major concern for many countries. It is the second-largest contributor to drastic climate change after carbon dioxide. BYJU’S air pollution essay in English teaches us some innovative approaches to control air pollution.

One important way to alleviate air pollution is to plant more trees. Afforestation is a necessary measure to protect our world from further degradation.

Increasing the use of eco-friendly products and renewable energy is critical in fighting air pollution. Furthermore, eco-friendly fuels such as compressed natural gas (CNG), biogas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and others play an important role in lowering air pollution.

To summarise, air pollution is a severe problem that must be addressed in order to rescue the Earth.


The goal of people all over the world is to work together to control the amount of pollution in the air. Some of the things that can be done are building industrial parks away from neighbourhoods, using tall chimneys with filters and electrostatic precipitators, and using high-temperature incinerators. We can also take steps to encourage replanting, the use of energy sources that don’t burn, and the use of antiknock agents in gasoline that don’t contain lead, among other good things.

Frequently Asked Questions on Air Pollution

Q.1 What is an air pollution essay?

Before, the air we breathed was clean and pure. But as industrialization grows and more poisonous gases get into the air, the air is getting more and more dangerous every day. Also, these gases cause many diseases of the lungs and other parts of the body.

Q.2 What is Air Pollution ? 

Air pollution is when a chemical, physical, or biological agent changes the way the atmosphere normally works. This can happen indoors or outdoors. Air pollution is often caused by things like cars, factories, forest fires, and other things that burn.

Q.3 What caused air pollution?

Air pollution is caused by solid and liquid particles, as well as some gases that are suspended in the air. These particles and gases can arise from automobile and truck emissions, factories, dust, pollen, mould spores, volcanoes, and wildfires. Aerosols are solid and liquid particles suspended in our air.

Q.4 What are the 5 effects of air pollution?

Respiratory and Heart Problems. The effects of air pollution are alarming.
Child Health Problems. Air pollution is detrimental to your health even before you take your first breath. 
Global Warming.
Acid Rain.
Effect on Wildlife.
Depletion of the Ozone Layer.

Q.5 How do we control air pollution?

Using public transports.
Turn off the lights when not in use.
Recycle and Reuse.
No to plastic bags.
Reduction of forest fires and smoking.
Use of fans instead of Air Conditioner.
Use filters for chimneys.
Avoid usage of crackers.

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