EnglishEssay on Female Foeticide

Essay on Female Foeticide

Female Foeticide Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Female Foeticide: Female foeticide is illegal abortion. Indian female foeticide is illegal but still practised. In the land where we worship Goddess “Durga” as “shakti,” thousands of innocent girls are killed in their mothers’ wombs for the selfish greed of having only male children. In this essay we will talk about what is female foeticide, what are the cause, and Impact of female foeticide on the sex ratio. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

When most women can’t even come into this world, equality of rights becomes less important. Female feticide is a terrible thing that is deeply rooted in our society and affects all classes and castes. Even though they pray to the goddesses Lakshmi, Kali, and Durga four times a day, a family will not think twice about killing a girl child. 

Essay on Female Foeticide

800 Words Essay on Female Foeticide in English

Female foeticide is the killing of female foetuses in their mothers’ wombs because the parents want a boy. It’s very embarrassing and makes people very worried. Female feticide is a terrible thing that is deeply rooted in our society and affects all classes and castes. It breaks my heart when a family doesn’t think twice about killing a girl child, even though they pray to the goddesses Lakshmi, Kali, and Durga every day.

Even though it is against the law to find out the gender of a child before it is born, people still find a way or another way to do it. This often leads to strange situations, as people often end up killing the foetus. Even though the government has passed a number of laws against it, female foeticide is still common in India. It is still deeply rooted in the country, making things worse for the women who are caught up in this terrible web of discrimination.

What is Female Foeticide?

Female foeticide is a medical procedure in which a female foetus is killed in the womb of a pregnant woman after an ultrasound shows that it is a girl. This is against the law in India. It is a social problem that leads to unequal treatment of men and women.

Causes of Female Foeticide:

Female foeticide has been going on for a long time, especially in families that want only male children. There are many religious, social, financial, and emotional reasons why people kill their own female children. So, the time has changed a lot. However, some families still hold on to many old reasons and beliefs. Some of the main reasons for female foeticide are:

  • Parents usually don’t want to have a girl because they have to pay a lot of money as a dowry when their daughter gets married.
  • People believe that girls only buy things and boys only make things. So, parents know that boys will work their whole lives and take care of them, but girls will get married and have their own families.
  • People believe that the son will carry on the family name, but the girl has to carry on the name of her husband’s family.
  • In our society, it’s a matter of pride for parents and grandparents to have a son as well as a daughter.
  • There is pressure on the family’s new bride to have a boy, so she is forced to get sex recognition and have an abortion if the baby is a girl.
  • People’s lack of education, fear, and poverty are also big reasons why there are so many girl babies.
  • Parents can do this very easily now because of how far science and technology have come and how useful they are.

Effect of female foeticide on the sex ratio:

Sex ratio is the number of women to men in a particular area. Many things, like killing female foetuses and killing baby girls after they are born (female infanticide), have had the opposite effect on the number of men and women in the world. So, it grows and helps spread many social problems.

India’s Sex Ratio is 107.48, according to the country’s once-a-decade census. It means there are 107.48 men for every 100 women in 2019. So, India has 930 women for every 1000 men. So, India has 48.20% women, while 51.80% of its people are men.

Effective Control Methods:

As we all know, killing a pregnant woman is against the law and bad for the future of women. So, we should pay attention to why Indian women kill themselves. The main reason for female infanticide or female feticide is figuring out what a girl is. Here are some steps:

  • The law must be followed, and if someone is found guilty of this cruel act, they should be punished.
  • If it is going on in medical practise, the licence should be taken away for good.
  • It should be against the law to sell medical tools that can be used for illegal sex tests and abortions.
  • Parents who want to kill their girl child should have to pay a fine.
  • Young couples should be made aware through regular campaigns and seminars.
  • Women should know about their rights so that they can pay more attention to them.


Your daughter’s name is Forthcoming, and your mother’s name is Past. The truth is that there is no present, no past, and no future without a girl child. Female foeticide is suicide. So, save the girls and make sure that the future is safe. There will be dangerous effects from killing women. Demography reports warn India that there won’t be enough brides on the market for marriage in twenty years, mostly because the number of men will be higher than the number of women. 

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