EnglishEssay on Population Growth: Balancing the World's Needs

Essay on Population Growth: Balancing the World’s Needs

Population Growth Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Population Growth: There are 7.7 billion people on Earth right now. India has more than 1.3 billion people living there. In this essay, find out how population growth and sustainable development are related. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Long Essay on Population Growth in 700 Words in English

There are 7.7 billion people on Earth right now. India has more than 1.3 billion people living there. And the number of people in the world keeps going up every year. Population growth is what we call an increase in the number of people living on our planet. In this essay about population growth, we’ll look at why it happens and how it affects our world and our societies.

Essay on Population Growth

Causes of Population Growth

In this essay on population growth, we will talk about some of the reasons for the trend so you can fully understand it. If we can figure out why things are growing so quickly, we can make better plans for the future. So, let’s start with one of the main reasons, which is that the death rate is going down.

In medicine, science, and technology, we have made some very big and important steps forward in the last 100 years. We have made vaccines, found new ways to treat diseases, and almost completely gotten rid of some of the most dangerous ones. This means that people live much longer now than they did in the past.

Along with lowering the death rate, these changes in medicine and science have also led to more babies being born. We now have ways to help people who can’t have children or have problems having children. So, birth rates all over the world have also changed a lot for the better. This, along with the fact that people are living longer, has led to too many people.

Overpopulation is often blamed on the fact that people don’t have enough education. People all over the world need to know how bad it is to have too many people. Family planning and growth that is good for the environment should be taught to both children and adults. One reason for this growth in population is that people don’t know about or understand these things.

How population growth

Effects of Population Growth

In the last 150 years, the world’s population has grown at an exponential rate, which has had some very bad effects. The most common and obvious effect is that overpopulation has put a lot of pressure on the earth’s natural resources. We all know that some of the resources we have, like fossil fuels, come in limited amounts. Since the population grew so fast, these resources are getting harder to find and will one day be gone for good.

Because there were more people, there was also more pollution and industrialization. This has made our natural environment worse and caused most people to have more health problems. As the population grows, the poorer countries run out of food and other resources, which can lead to famines and other disasters.

Overpopulation also causes a lot of unemployment, as we can see in India right now. Overall, the population explosion hurts the economy and finances of places with a lot of people. 

How Overpopulation causes Unemployment

India has a lot of unemployed people because it has too many people. We can see that millions of people apply for every test or job opening. It makes more people want the job, and sometimes people use bribes to get it. It also makes the system more corrupt, which is a growing worry for India.

How the Indian government controls the number of people

Different steps have been taken by the government to teach people about the benefits of family planning. Here are some important steps:

  • The government changed the law and set the minimum age at which a boy or girl can get married.
  • Through TV ads, posters in villages, etc., the government is letting people know how important family planning and equal rights for boys and girls are.
  • The government is trying to help kids get an education by setting low fees, giving them free lunch, uniforms, books, and other things.


Every person in a country needs to do something on his or her own instead of putting the blame on others if the country wants to grow and become strong. Overpopulation could be the biggest reason why a country falls apart. We need to find good answers to the problem if we want to do well as a country.

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