EnglishViolence Against Women in India Essay: An Eye-Opening Essay

Violence Against Women in India Essay: An Eye-Opening Essay

Violence Against Women in India Essay for Students and Children

Violence Against Women in India Essay: Find out the sad truth about violence against women in India and learn about what causes it and what happens when it happens. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Violence against women in India is still high, even though it is much lower than in other countries. Violence against women, which is mostly done by men, comes in many forms, such as sexual assault, molestation, domestic violence, and so on. No matter what shape or size it takes, it is a crime. But because of the country’s crooked and slow justice system, these crimes are often not dealt with. Violence against women is getting worse and worse. 

Violence Against Women in India Essay

Long Essay on Violence Against Women in India in 900 Words in English


Violence against women in India means that Indian women have been hurt physically or sexually. Most of the time, men are the ones who do these violent things, but sometimes women are too. Most of the time, violence against Indian women happens at home or in a sexual way.

To be considered “violence against women,” an act must be done just because the victim is a woman. In India, there is a lot of “violence against women.” This is mostly because of long-lasting gender inequality that has been around for hundreds of years.

The Indian Statics

India’s National Crime Record Bureau (NCRB) is in charge of putting out crime statistics, including those about violence against women. The NCRB’s last annual report, which came out in August 2018, showed that violence against Indian women was on the rise.

In India, the number of women who have been sexually abused has gone up by more than 10% in the last few years, and 12% of all crimes against women are raped. At 30%, Delhi has the most reported rapes, followed by Sikkim at 22%.

But it’s important to remember that these numbers aren’t accurate because many rapes and cases of domestic violence aren’t reported.

Types of Violence against Women

Violence against women is a broad term for a lot of different types of crimes. Here are some of the most common types of violence against women that happen in India:

1) Sexual Assault

Sexual assault on a woman is when someone makes unwanted physical contact with a woman without her permission or forces her to do something sexual. It is a type of sexual violence that includes crimes like rape, sexual assaults caused by drugs, sexual abuse of children, and groping.

2) Domestic Violence

Violence against women in the home is called domestic violence. In India, where men are in charge, many cases of domestic violence are not reported. It is when a woman is hurt physically by her husband, in-laws, or other family members. Most domestic violence against women is caused by social problems like the dowry system and the difference between men and women.

3) Honor Killing

Honor killing is when a family member is killed because they are thought to have brought shame on the family by doing things against the family’s wishes, like going against an arranged marriage, choosing a partner from a different caste, or in some cases, committing adultery.

4) Prostitution by Force

There are always new reports of young girls going missing in India. These girls are supposedly sent to other states with the promise of getting a job or making money, where they are then forced to work as prostitutes.

What makes women in India get hurt?

1) A society ruled by kings

Indian society is mostly run by men, and women don’t have the right to make important family decisions. Also, research shows that almost 60% of men in India think that women in the family need to be hit sometimes. Because of how society is set up, women are always in a weak position.

2) The role of family

Violence against a woman in the home tends to be passed on to the next generation. If a child sees his father beat his mother, he is likely to do the same thing to his own wife when he gets older. There are more reports of violence against women in nuclear families because there is no older person to step in and solve the problem.

3) Liquor consumption

When a husband drinks a lot of alcohol, it’s one of the main reasons why he might hurt his wife. Not only does alcohol cause domestic violence against women, but it also leads to crimes against women that happen outside of the home. Alcohol makes people smarter, which makes them more likely to be violent.

Ways to fix and stop problems

Here are some of the most important ways to stop violence against women:

1) More police watching

There needs to be more police presence in all areas, especially at night when people are alone. When police are around, it is much less likely that a woman will be attacked or bothered by other people on the road. Places with a lot of people, like markets, need police officers because women are more likely to be groped or teased in these places.

2) Helping the community

The best way to stop domestic violence and other crimes against women is for the community as a whole to take steps to stop violence against women. The Nari Adalat program, which was started in Uttar Pradesh by the Department of Education, has helped cut down on violence against women in the home.

3) Get there safely

Many sexually violent acts against women happen on trains or buses, mostly late at night. Criminals take advantage of the fact that the car is alone and there are no police officers around. During late-night hours, there needs to be at least one woman police officer on buses or trains.


Violence against Indian women is bad for the whole country and society. As long as Indian women have to deal with violence, India’s image around the world will also be bad. Also, domestic violence, sexual assaults, and other crimes against women will continue to hurt Indian society and slow down progress on a national level. Because of this, it is very important to take strong steps to stop any kind of violence against Indian women. 

Violence against Women in India (200 words)

India is mostly run by men, so there is a lot of violence against women there. Crimes against women include dowry deaths, sexual harassment, cheating, murder, girl child abuse, robbery, etc. The Indian Penal Code says that rape, kidnapping and abduction, physical and mental torture, dowry deaths, wife beating, sexual harassment, molesting, importing girls, and other acts of violence against women are all crimes. Every day, more and more women are being abused, and the problem is getting too big.

Violence means hitting someone and hurting them. It could be verbal abuse or emotional stress that doesn’t involve hitting. This can hurt the mind and hurt the person’s reputation. Criminal violence against women includes rape, murder, abduction, and kidnapping. 

On the other hand, domestic violence against women includes dowry deaths, sexual abuse, wife beating, and mistreatment at home or at work. Some examples of social violence against women are eve-teasing, forcing a wife or daughter-in-law to kill a female baby, forcing a widow to do sati, and so on. All the violence against women has a big effect on a lot of people.

Violence against women is getting worse and louder in the country, which is very scary. It puts a lot of pressure on social workers and puts a lot of responsibility on their shoulders. But women need to be given more power and responsibility right away so they can understand all their rights and use them. 

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