EnglishSpeech on Importance of English

Speech on Importance of English

In this Article, We will discuss Importance of English in 2 Minutes and 5 Minutes Time Frame

The English language plays a vital part in our lives because it facilitates communication. It is the main language for studying any subject all around the world. English is essential for pupils because it broadens their horizons, cultivates their emotional intelligence, and improves their quality of life by providing employment prospects.

In addition, the use of English as an international language is increasing because it is the only means of communication in many nations. English is also used heavily in the literature and media segment to produce books, most of writers write in the English language owing to the large majority of readers knowing only the English language and they can describe their views best in the English language.

Speaking Task:  Importance of English (2 minutes) ≈ 250 Words

While it is simpler to communicate in our native tongue, not everyone can grasp it. Even on a domestic basis, let alone internationally, the southern regions of India are incapable of communicating or understanding Hindi. This is because Telugu, Tamil, Marathi, or any other language is their native tongue. In such situations, the English language is our saviour, as it is the most widely spoken language on earth. No matter where we go, we will always encounter people who can speak and comprehend English.

It is the most frequent and widely used language in radio, newspapers, Netflix series, and we can even watch Turkish and Japanese animated films with English dubbing. Even if planning to study abroad, an English proficiency exam is essential. Now that we understand the importance of English in our lives, why don’t we implement the changes that will benefit us in the future? Here are some daily adjustments or activities that will assist us improve our English proficiency. Keep a pocket diary with you at all times in school, at home, and everywhere, and anytime you hear a new term, record it and its definition. This will aid in expanding your vocabulary.

Another method you can enhance your English is by writing every day. Before going to bed, attempt to record your entire day, or at least the good moments or new quotes you learned, in a journal. This will help you increase your grammar understanding and develop your writing abilities. I hope you will attempt to incorporate these minor adjustments into your life. Thank you and have a pleasant day!

Speaking Task: Importance of English (5 minutes) ≈ 400 Words

English has enabled communication with people around the world. Regardless of a person’s native language, English has become a major language worldwide. English is utilised at all educational institutions in India, Japan, the United States, Germany, Spain, and France for speaking, writing, and any other reason. Globally, the English language has opened many avenues.

A little-known fact about the English language is that a new term is added every day. Some of you may be wondering why they should learn English if they wish to excel in a language such as Sanskrit, Japanese, Spanish, or French. Well, these languages have a broader application, and you will certainly be successful, but knowing English in addition to these languages will be the icing on the cake. You will be able to speak more effectively or even convey your ideas to the globe, which would be rather challenging in any language other than English.

It is now vital to have a strong command and fluency of the English language. Not only in the higher education or business sectors. English is now included on competitive tests such as the UPSC, SSC, and other government exams. If you intend to study abroad, you must pass tests of English proficiency such as the TOEFL or IELTS. You are now aware of the significance of English in everyday life. The following inquiry is how can we enhance your English?

Here are some basic strategies that will undoubtedly assist you. Speaking, writing, listening, and reading are the four fundamentals of the English language. Fear is your worst foe. If you are afraid that you will make mistakes while speaking English, you are allowing this fear to control you. No one around you will make fun of you, only correct you. Even grammar Nazis make ridiculous errors occasionally. Do not be afraid and strive to speak as much English as possible. Start by documenting your daily duties or routine. You can also keep a nightly journal of your thoughts. This will help you improve your writing English proficiency and enhance your creative abilities. Start your reading with daily newspapers.

This will enhance not just your knowledge of current events, but also your vocabulary. Begin listening by viewing shows or listening to music without subtitles. I hope you will engage in these everyday exercises and enhance your English proficiency. Present-day efforts will enable you to flourish in the future. Thank you and have a pleasant day!

Why did English become important?

English is one of the most widely spoken languages worldwide.

Even outside of countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom, many people can speak and comprehend English.

And if you consider those who speak it as a second language, there are an estimated 1 billion English speakers globally! In addition, 67 nations have English as their official language, and 27 nations have English as their secondary official language.

Why is this? It’s all about history, and the British Empire has the key.

Throughout the centuries, the British Empire expanded and ruled over numerous countries, including the majority of those already mentioned as well as others. In several instances, the British compelled the people they ruled to speak English, and some of these countries still speak English, despite it not being their native tongue.

For example, why do people in Ireland speak English but hardly any Gaelic, the country’s native tongue? Because Great Britain dominated Ireland for centuries.

Although English has a difficult history, its future is bright. Due to the fact that so many people speak the language, it facilitates worldwide communication. Additionally, it might benefit your personal and professional life.

importance of english

10 Reasons to Learn English

1. English is a worldwide language

The most widely spoken language in the world is English. One in five individuals can speak or at least comprehend English!

2. Learning English can help you find employment.

Science, aviation, computing, diplomacy, and tourism all speak English. Knowing English boosts your chances of obtaining a decent career in a multinational organisation in your native country or of locating employment overseas.

3. Learning English can facilitate meeting new people.

The English language is the official language of 53 nations and is used as a lingua franca by people from all over the world. This implies that whether you’re working in Beijing, or travelling in Brazil, studying English may help you hold a discussion with individuals from all over the world.

4. Numerous scientific articles are composed in English

In the past century, the number of scientific articles written in English has begun to outnumber those written in the researcher’s home tongue. In the Netherlands, the ratio is an astounding 40 to 1. Due of this, persons working in the scientific sector must have an exceptional command of the English language.

5. The language of the media industry is English.

Due to Hollywood’s prominence in worldwide media, a vast number of films, television shows, and popular songs are created in English. If you speak English, you will no longer need translations or subtitles to enjoy your favourite books, songs, films, and television programmes.

6. The language of the Internet is English.

The majority of the content on the internet is published in English, making English a particularly essential language online. In addition, some of the world’s largest technology companies are headquartered in English-speaking nations.

7. Having a strong grasp of English makes travelling much simpler.

Suppose you are a Spaniard on vacation in Thailand; while the hotel receptionist may not be able to answer your inquiry in Spanish, it is likely that they will be able to do it in English.

8. English is one of the most significant business languages.

English is highly vital in the business sector, whether you are a business owner, student, or employee. As the de facto language of the United States and the official language of the United Kingdom, Canada, India, and South Africa, English is regarded as one of the most significant business languages.

9. With English, one can study anywhere in the globe.

Since English is spoken in so many countries, thousands of institutions and colleges around the world provide English-language courses. If you speak excellent academic English, you will have numerous chances to locate a school and course that meet your needs.

10. English provides access to numerous cultures

You will have access to films, music, and literature from hundreds of countries throughout the world if you are proficient in English. Not to mention that many works from around the world have been translated into English. Few experiences will have a greater impact on your personal development than understanding the values, customs, and way of life of an other culture.

FAQ ( Frequently Asked Questions ) : 

  1. Is speaking English a skill?

Do not fear making mistakes! The more you practise, the better and more confident your pronunciation and vocabulary will become. Remember that speaking is a talent similar to studying a musical instrument or a new sport – the only way to improve is to practise!

  1. How can I improve speaking?
  • Speak, speak, speak. Let’s begin by stating that there is no magic pill for improved speaking.
  • Consider your conversations.
  • Observe and read.
  • Develop cheat sheets.
  • Utilize the telephone.
  • Record your voice.
  • Learn phrases as opposed to individual words.
  • Have fun.
  1. What is the first step to learn English?

Daily, speak a little English.

Simply speaking a new language is the greatest method to learn it. Speaking English with another person is the fastest and most effective way to improve, regardless of your current proficiency level.

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