HomeFull FormSLR Full Form

SLR Full Form

What is the full form of SLR?

  1. SLR Full Form is The statutory Liquidity Ratio. SLR is a government term in India that refers to the reserve requirement that permits commercial banks to retain authorized security in the form of money, gold reserves, or RBI (Reserve Bank of India) prior to extending credit to customers. Prior to extending credit to customers, banks are required to maintain a reserve.

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  • The RBI calculates the Statutory Liquidity Ratio that financial institutions are required to maintain in order to manage expansion.
  • The SLR is estimated as a proportion of time commitments and demand.
  • Term liabilities are those that commercial banks are obligated to repay to customers after an acceptable period of time, whereas demand liabilities pertain to deposit accounts that are repayable on demand.
  • A time liability is exemplified by a fixed deposit with a maturity date of 11 months that is not payable on demand.
  • Instances of demanding liability include a client’s demand deposit or checking account.
  • Typically, the SLR is used to monitor inflation by increasing or decreasing the money supply.
  1. Another SLR Full Form is Single Lens Reflex. It is utilized in cameras of superior quality. The SLR utilizes an automatic mirror device that makes it easier for photographers to see precisely what the film or digital camera can capture. It employs a system of mirrors and prisms to see exactly what should be recorded. This type of camera is commonly known as a DSLR.
SLR Camera, SLR Full Form
  • It is possible to adjust the lens of the SLR camera to obtain the desired images, which is its most significant advantage over other cameras.
  • This SLR camera is heavier and more expensive than others. A point-and-shoot camera is less expensive.

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