HomeFull FormSKU Full Form

SKU Full Form

What is the full form of SKU?

SKU Full Form is Stock Keeping Unit. It is a code for product identification that uniquely identifies an item. It helps monitor a product for purposes of inventory. The code is also known as a brand identifier or product number, but it is more commonly known as the SKU number.

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SKU Full Form

Working of SKU

SKU includes both letters and numbers. The numbers and letters, such as the product’s name, model number, color, etc., provide product-related information.

  • Each company has its own method for creating SKUs for its products, and there is no wrong way to create an SKU. However, there are a few industry standards that must be followed when creating an SKU for a product.
  • Make every SKU distinctive. Never reuse an SKU and ensure that each product or service has a unique SKU.
  • Keep brief SKUs. In some inventory control systems, lengthy SKUs may be difficult to read and therefore ineffective.
  • Should not utilize a specific space or character. Creating SKUs with characters or spaces may lead to confusion.
  • Should avoid using letters that could be mistaken for numbers. Avoid using letters that can be confused with 0 and 1, such as O and I.

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