EnglishShould Plastic Bags be Banned Essay

Should Plastic Bags be Banned Essay

Should Plastic Bags be Banned Essay

In this Should Plastic Bags be Banned Essay, we will talk about Why Should Plastic Bags be Banned? and the Steps to Achieve this. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Why Should Plastic Bags be Banned Essay?

Plastics are a terrible thing that people made that will be with us for thousands of years. Also, we’ve never lived without plastic. Plastics are used in every part of our lives, whether it’s for fun, medicine, travel, work, or just at home. But it wouldn’t be fair if we didn’t also acknowledge that plastic has helped the world’s economy grow. Many industries have found it to be a miracle material.

In this essay about why plastic bags should be banned, we’ll talk about how dependent we are on plastics, how plastic has changed the environment we live in, and what we can do to stop the world from becoming overrun with plastic.

Should Plastic Bags be Banned Essay

Long and Short Essays on Should Plastic Bags be Banned Essay for Students and Kids in English

In the article below, there is an English 600-word essay on why plastic bags should be banned that students can use for different things. Also included is a short but informative essay of 200 words on why plastic bags should be banned. Students in classes 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 can use these essays for essay writing, project work, tests, and assignments.

Long Essay on Plastic Bags Should be Banned 500 Words in English


Plastic bags are one of the main things that hurt the environment. Plastic doesn’t break down, so plastic bags stay in the environment for hundreds of years and cause a lot of pollution. It has become very important to ban plastic bags before they completely destroy our planet.

Places that have made it illegal to use plastic bags

To cut down on the use of plastic bags, many countries around the world have either banned them or put a tax on them. Some of these countries include Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, South Africa, Morocco, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Taiwan, England, Germany, Hawaii, New York, Italy, Scotland, Rhode Island, and Maine. The number of plastic bags used has gone down a lot because of these steps. But the problem hasn’t been completely fixed because these steps haven’t worked as well as they should have.

Some of these countries have a black market for plastic bags, and these dangerous bags are still being sold illegally.

Why Plastic Bags Should Be Banned

There are a lot of reasons why the governments of different countries have made it hard to use plastic bags. Here are some of them:

  • Waste plastic bags are causing a lot of damage to the land and water.
  • Plastic bags have become a danger to animals that live on land and in water.
  • Chemicals that get into the soil from used plastic bags make it hard for plants to grow.
  • The health of people is being hurt by plastic bags.
  • Plastic bags make it hard for water to drain.
  • The public must back the ban on plastic bags.

Even though the Indian government has made it illegal in many states to use plastic bags, people are still seen carrying them. Shop owners sometimes stop giving plastic bags to customers for a few days, but they always go back to them because the government doesn’t do anything strong to stop making and giving them out. It’s time for each of us to do our part to make this ban work.

We educated people to need to stop using plastic bags and make sure that those around us do the same. Here are some ways we can help the government move in this direction:

Keep a Tab

We have been using plastic bags for so long that it is hard to stop using them all of a sudden. To be successful in this mission, we need to keep in mind how bad plastic bags are for the environment and keep track of how often we use them. Over time, we will get used to not carrying these bags.

Look for other options

Plastic bags are not the only way to carry things. When we go to the market, we can bring a reusable jute or cloth bag instead of plastic bags to carry our groceries and other things.

Reuse: Before throwing away the plastic bags we already have at home, we should use them as many times as we can.

Make people aware

The government should use ads and billboards to get the word out about how bad plastic bags are and why they need to be banned. We can also spread the word by talking to each other. We can talk to our housekeepers, the person who cleans our cars, and kids about the damage plastic bags do to the environment and try to get them to stop using them.


Plastic bags have caused a lot of problems, but most people don’t realize or understand them. This is because people don’t think about how these small, easy-to-carry bags will affect the world in the long run. They keep using these bags because they are convenient, but they don’t care that they hurt the environment and pose a threat to all life on earth.

Essay on Why Plastic Bags should be Banned  – Essay 3 (400 words)


Plastic bags are something we use every day, but they are bad for life on Earth. These have slowly crept into our lives and are now a major reason why people and animals get sick.

Plastic bags can hurt people’s health.

Plastic bags are very bad for people’s health. From the time they are made to the time they are thrown away as trash, plastic bags do nothing but hurt people’s health.

Toxic chemicals are made when plastic bags are made to make them look nice. These chemicals hurt the health of the people who make the bags. People often put their food in plastic bags. Researchers say that some of the plastic’s harmful chemicals get into the food that is packed in it. So, instead of keeping food safe, plastic bags make it easier for germs to get into it. There have been many reports of plastic making food sick. Eating this kind of food can lead to food poisoning, problems with the intestines, and other health problems. Plastic bags can even lead to chemicals that may cause cancer in people.

Aside from this, plastic bags make a huge amount of trash that doesn’t break down. This trash stays on the earth for nearly 500 years. This trash goes into water bodies and makes the water less safe to drink. In the last few decades, there has been a big drop in the quality of drinking water. It’s mostly because more and more plastic bags are being dumped in rivers that people use to get water to drink. This has led to diseases that spread through water.

Plastic bags can make animals very sick.

Plastic bags cause the most harm to animals and marine life. We throw away the plastic bags without much thought. Most of the trash piles where animals go to look for food are made up of these plastic bags. Animals often eat small pieces of plastic or even whole plastic bags with their food. Small pieces of plastic build up in their bodies over time and cause health problems. On the other hand, if they eat the whole plastic bag at once, they can die right away from suffocation.

The same is true for the creatures in the sea. Plastic trash is a big reason why the water is very dirty. It is making the water that marine animals drink less healthy. Fish, turtles, and other marine animals also eat plastic. Sometimes they mistake a whole plastic bag for food and swallow it, which makes them sick.


So, plastic bags are very bad for your health. We should stop using them and switch to things that are better for the environment.

Should Plastic Bags be Banned Short Essay

Plastic bags are among the most dangerous things we throw into the oceans, which is killing off some of our aquatic life. Plastic trash dumped in the water pollutes not only the water but also the land and air. Harmful chemicals from the plastic seep into the ground and end up in the water table. When we drink this water or eat fish from a polluted part of the ocean, we are indirectly eating the plastic that we threw away. Plastics can make you sick and even kill you if you eat them. They can cause cancer, pneumonia, and other fatal diseases and abnormalities.

Plastics are used everywhere and have made our lives better, so there is no way to get rid of them. But it seems like a good idea to ban some plastic products, like plastic bags, because there are other options. You can use a jute bag, a gunny bag, or a paper bag instead of a plastic bag. Plastic bags can be used with the idea of reuse and recycling. People should be made aware of the bad things that happen when they use plastics through awareness and education campaigns.


Plastic is becoming a big problem for all of us, but this problem has been overlooked and undervalued a lot. This is because people don’t think about how these small, easy-to-carry bags will affect the world in the long run. People still use bags, though, because they are easy to carry. But now, everyone must stop using plastic bags for good if we want to save the earth and the environment.

Frequently Asked Questions on Plastic Bags Should be Banned Essay

Q.1 Why plastic ban is important?

Plastic bags have become a danger to animals that live on land and in water. Chemicals that get into the soil from used plastic bags make it hard for plants to grow. The health of people is being hurt by plastic bags. Drainage is backed up because of plastic bags.

Q.2 Why plastic is so used?

Plastic packaging can be made extremely thin because it is so durable. Consequently, fewer trucks, trains, or planes are required to transport it because it requires fewer resources and occupies less space. Plastics are adaptable; they can be altered in a variety of ways.

Q.3 How much harmful is plastic?

A lot of it ends up in landfills, where it can take up to a thousand years to break down and release chemicals that could be harmful to the soil and water. Researchers in Germany are warning that microplastics in soils, sediments, and fresh water could hurt ecosystems in the long run.

Q.4 How plastic bags affect human health?

Chemicals are added to plastic products. Several of these chemicals have been linked to serious health problems like hormone-related cancers, infertility, and neurodevelopmental disorders like ADHD and autism.

Q.5 Which plastic is best?

3 types of plastic that are considered as safer options among the others are Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), High-Density Polyethylene (2-HDPE), and Polypropylene (5-PP).

Q.6 Who invented plastic?

Belgian chemist and clever marketeer Leo Baekeland pioneered the first fully synthetic plastic in 1907.

Q.7 What are 3 harmful effects of plastics?

Kills Ocean Life. By now you’ve probably heard about the mass amounts of plastic polluting oceans and other waterways.
Kills Terrestrial Wildlife. Plastic also harms the environment by killing land animals.
Produces Chemical Pollution.

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