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SAT Full Form

What is the full form of the SAT?

SAT FUll Form is Scholastic Assessment Test. Students applying to undergraduate schools are required to take the SAT, which is administered by the College Board and is a standardized test. The Scholastic Assessment Test, formerly referred to as the Scholastic Aptitude Test. The SAT was designed to evaluate the verbal, mathematical, and writing abilities of applicants. Applicants who wish to pursue undergraduate studies, especially in Canada and the United States, must take the SAT.

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SAT Full Form

Eligibility criteria for SAT

The College Board, the SAT’s governing body, has not established clear SAT eligibility requirements for applicants.

  • While there is no age restriction, studies indicate that candidates between the ages of 17 and 19 are the most likely to take the SAT.
  • There is no limit on the number of times an applicant may take the SAT. The SAT is administered five times per year in India.
  • Students who wish to apply for undergraduate studies abroad must have completed high school in order to advance to the next level of education.

SAT Exam Pattern

To assess the knowledge required to access and solve problems, the SAT includes sections on critical reading, mathematics, and writing.

Individual universities require applicants to take the SAT II exam.

  • Reasoning Test (SAT- I)

It is a three-hour multiple-choice exam designed to assess verbal and mathematical reasoning skills. The SAT-I score is required by the majority of universities.

  • Subject Test (SAT-II)

It is an hour-long, multiple-choice test used to evaluate knowledge of specific subjects and the ability to apply that knowledge. In addition to the SAT-I, some universities also require this score.

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