HomeFull FormRDX Full Form

RDX Full Form

What is the Full form of RDX?

RDX Full Form is Research Department eXplosive or Royal Demolition eXplosive. It is an explosive substance related to nitramines, a class of organic nitrate-derived explosives. It is also labeled as hexogen, cyclonite, and T4. Cyclotrimethylenetrinitramine is the chemical name and C3H6N6O6 is the chemical formula for RDX.

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RDX is a white crystalline solid that is insoluble in water and slightly soluble in some solvents. Sensitive to percussion, its primary non-military application is in blasting caps. By combining RDX with other substances, its sensitivity can be diminished.

RDX Full Form

A brief history of RDX

  • Georg Friedrich Henning of Germany invented and patented RDX in 1898.
  • However, this RDX was never used until the Second World War, when it was adopted by the majority of military powers.
  • RDX was produced on a large scale in the United States using a secret method developed in the United States and Canada.

Characteristics of RDX

  • RDX crystals are solid and white in color.
  • RDX is a powerful and flavorless substance.
  • RDX is insoluble in water and poorly soluble in the majority of prevalent solvents.
  • RDX has a molecular weight of 222.12 g/mol.
  • RDX decomposes at 213°C, while its melting point is 205.5°C.

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