HomeFull FormRAM Full Form

RAM Full Form

What is the Full form of RAM?

RAM full form is Random Access Memory. RAM has been used for writing and reading into storage. RAM stores files and program data while the CPU is operating. As data is lost when the power is turned off, this memory is volatile. RAM is further broken into two classes

  1. SRAM (Static RAM)
  2. DRAM (Dynamic RAM)

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RAM Full Form

A basic overview of RAM

  • In 1947, the Williams tube was utilized to create the first RAM.
  • The CRT (Cathode Ray Tube) was utilized, and information was stored in the form of electrical charge dots on the face of the tube.
  • In 1947, magnetic-core memory became the second most prevalent type of random-access memory (RAM).
  • Frederick Viehe, who was responsible for much of the development work, held a number of patents.
  • Small metal rings and wires connecting each ring have been utilized for dealing with magnetic-core memory. In each of these rings, a single bit of data has been saved and can be recovered at any time.
  • Robert Dennard initially devised RAM in 1968, which is now known as solid-state memory. DRAMs utilize transistors to preserve bits of information.

Advantages of RAM

  • RAM contains no mechanically moving parts, hence no noise is produced.
  • RAM uses significantly less energy than a mechanical disc drive. It reduces CO2 emissions and extends battery life.
  • RAM is regarded as the quickest storage media.

RAM’s restrictions

  • In the absence of a power recovery solution, such as a laptop battery, a power outage might result in irrecoverable data loss.
  • RAM is expensive per bit, hence gadgets do not incorporate a lot of it.

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