EnglishPrevention of Global Warming Essay

Prevention of Global Warming Essay

Prevention of Global Warming Essay

In this Prevention of Global Warming Essay, we will talk about What effects does global warming have? and the Steps to Prevent Global Warming. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Essay on Prevention of Global Warming in English

Most of the time, “global warming” refers to the rise in the average temperature of the earth caused by gases like carbon dioxide. Global warming can be caused by both things people do and things that happen naturally. Global warming is caused by things like cutting down trees, farming, wars, floods, and industrialization. At the end of the century, global warming will cause the temperature to go up by 2.8 degrees Celsius.

In this article on how to stop global warming, we’ll talk about the different things that can be done and what will happen if the steps to stop it aren’t taken seriously.

Prevention of Global Warming Essay

Long and Short Essays on Prevention of Global Warming for Students and Kids in English

Here are two articles on how to write an essay with a word limit of 600 or 200 words about how to stop global warming. Both of the essays on how to stop global warming can be used by students in classes 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 for their school projects, tests, assignments, and essays.

Long Essay on Prevention of Global warming 500 Words in English

Global warming is one of the biggest problems caused by people, and it is causing other problems like floods and famine. There are many things that contribute to global warmings, such as the growth of agriculture, industrialization, globalization, deforestation, and an increase in the amount of carbon we put into the atmosphere. If the world’s governments don’t work together and do what needs to be done, one day the world as we know it will end. In this English essay on how to stop global warming, we will talk about both the effects of global warming and what countries can do to stop the situation from getting worse.

What effects does global warming have?

These are the most important effects of global warming: Because the earth’s temperature is going up, the polar ice caps are melting. When the polar ice caps melt, too much water will flow into our waterways. This will cause massive floods that can kill people and damage property in many countries. Floods are already happening in many countries, and global warming is the main cause. The cost to the economy is thought to be in the billions of dollars.

If floods aren’t stopped, they will pose a huge threat to human communities, farmland, important natural resources, and wildlife. And another big problem caused by floods is the destruction of forests. As it is, people have been cutting down forests at a very fast rate. If floods also destroy forests, that will make the problem of global warming worse, since forests are the main source of oxygen. This will cause the atmosphere to have more carbon dioxide and less oxygen at the same time.

Changes in the agricultural cycles and food chain are another big effect of global warming. The millions of locust swarms that are moving through South Asia and destroying crops along the way are a result of global warming. Also, changes in temperature can lead to little rain and unpredictable weather, which makes a farmer’s life hard. Even when technology improves, it is not always possible to accurately predict the weather and climate change. Now that we’ve seen the effects of global warming in the above essay on how to stop global warming, let’s talk about what causes it.

What makes global warming happen?

People think that the following are major causes of global warming:

  • Harmful agricultural practices
  • Carbon emissions come from factories and industries that make things.
  • Burning fossil fuels in our cars, trains, and planes cause pollution.
  • Crops and fields being set on fire
  • Deforestation drives
  • Forest blazes
  • Volcanic eruptions

How to stop the world from warming up?

Some steps to stop global warming are listed below.

  • Teach farmers how to farm in a way that is wise and good for the environment.
  • Put limits on factories that release harmful gases into the air. For example, it should be required that chimneys have air filters.
  • Lessen the carbon footprint caused by burning fossil fuels. Educate people and push them to use public transportation, bikes, or electric cars instead of their own cars.
  • The government should offer incentives and help to come up with non-polluting forms of energy that can be used instead of fossil fuels.
  • Green energy, like nuclear energy, wind energy, and ocean energy, are some other forms that countries need to start using quickly.

In this essay on how to stop global warming, we tried to talk about its causes, effects, and ways to stop it. Not every suggestion can be easily put into action. Global warming is a world problem, and countries shouldn’t use their natural resources for their own benefit. The world should work together to find a long-term solution to the problem of global warming so that the next generation will inherit a healthy planet.

Short Essay on Prevention of Global warming 200 Words in English

Global Warming Prevention Essays are generally assigned to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Global warming is an international phenomenon in which the average temperature of the Earth is rapidly rising. This is due to the buildup of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, and methane. These are toxic gases in the atmosphere that endanger human and animal life. Global warming has disastrous consequences for all of the food-chain chains. From influencing the agricultural cycle to the water cycle, global warming, if not controlled today, would lead to inconceivable tragedies in the future, with future generations suffering as a result of our negligence.

There are numerous preventive measures that can be implemented to mitigate global warming. Some examples include teaching farmers good farming methods, putting a stop to the destruction of our forest cover, holding businesses accountable for the carbon emissions they generate, and utilizing alternate kinds of energy such as wind energy, hydro energy, or nuclear energy. Developed countries emit more greenhouse gases than developing countries. As a result, countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and China bear a disproportionate amount of responsibility. To avert global warming, all countries should take steps to reduce their carbon footprint.


Climate change is a major issue that modern society must deal with, and it is, in large part, human actions that are to blame. While it’s true that humans can’t completely halt global warming, there are steps that may be taken to mitigate the issue.

Frequently asked Questions on the Prevention of Global Warming

Q.1 What is global warming and its causes?

The gradual increase in Earth’s average surface temperature that is commonly referred to as “global warming” is a facet of climate change. Human activities like burning fossil fuels and farming contribute significantly to the problem by increasing atmospheric concentrations of greenhouse gases.

Q.2 What are 5 effects of global warming?

Climate change is the biggest threat to health that people face today. Already, the effects of climate change are hurting people’s health through things like air pollution, diseases, extreme weather events, forced migration, stress on mental health, and more hunger and poor nutrition in places where people can’t grow or find enough food.

Q.3 Why do we need to stop global warming?

The warming of the atmosphere changes the way the weather works, making storms and droughts happen more often and with more force in many parts of the world. Higher temperatures are shortening the length of the seasons, and in some places, the temperatures are already too high for ecosystems and people to be safe.

Q.4 When did global warming start?

Instrumental records of temperature show that the first sign that temperatures were going up was in the tropical ocean around the 1950s. Today’s study uses the extra information in the proxy record to find that the warming started in the 1830s, which is 120 years ago.

Q.5 Who is responsible for global warming?

Scientists agree that people are mostly to blame for global warming. In particular, the evidence shows that heat-trapping gases like carbon dioxide are warming the world, and that we release these gases when we burn fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas.

Q.6 What are the 7 controls of climate?

These include latitude, elevation, nearby water, ocean currents, topography, vegetation, and prevailing winds.

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