EnglishPollution Due to Urbanisation Essay

Pollution Due to Urbanisation Essay

Essay on Pollution Due to Urbanisation

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Pollution Due to Urbanisation Essay

Pollution Due to Urbanisation Essay: Over the last few decades, pollution has become a bigger and bigger problem. Pollution comes in many forms, including noise pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and air pollution. All of these are very bad for the environment. These are about polluting the air with smoke or noise, polluting the water, and polluting the land, in that order. It goes without saying that these are clear signs of pollution caused by cities.

Long and Short Essays on Pollution due to Urbanisation

Check out the two essays below to learn more about pollution caused by cities. The first essay is 500 words long, and the second is only 200 words long. The first one is good for students in grades 7–10 and those who want to do well on competitive exams. This CBSE essay is good for kids in grades 6 and lower.

Long Essay on Pollution due to Urbanisation 500 words in English

Long Essay on Pollution Caused by Urbanization in English for Classes 7, 8, 9, and 10 and Students Preparing for Competitive Exams

Below is a 500-word long essay about pollution caused by urbanization. This essay is good for students in grades 7 through 10 and people who want to do well on exams.

Pollution has been a problem in our world for a long time, since the 1970s. It is something that is bad for the environment and, because of that, also bad for us. Pollution is when harmful substances get into the environment. There are four main types of pollution. Air pollution is the release of dangerous and poisonous gases into the air by things like cars, factories, smoking, and other things.

When toxic substances, plastic, oil spills, and other things get into water bodies, this is called water pollution. Soil pollution, also called land pollution, is caused by the trash we leave on the land and by poisons that get into the soil and make it less fertile. Noise pollution is when noises are made that people don’t want to hear. All types of pollution are very bad for the planet.

Urbanization is the idea that small towns and villages in the countryside become bigger towns and cities. Good infrastructure and a lot of industry are two things that define urban areas. Both of these things are almost certainly linked to each other. A lot of venture capitalists and large companies choose to start manufacturing businesses in small, rural towns because the costs of the things needed to make things are usually lower there. This means that the rent is less, the cost of labor is less, and so on. This makes it a good place to open factories that make good things. More bad things come from urbanization than good things.

When a factory opens in a rural area, it makes it possible for people who live there and nearby to get jobs there. Since there will be a lot of trucks bringing in raw materials and taking out finished goods, the factory site needs paved roads. More and more buildings and infrastructure are built on the land around the factory, which makes the area grow and change. This is called “urbanization,” and it’s important to understand it so you can see how pollution happens because of it.

When there is a factory, it brings with it a lot of infrastructure and development, but it also makes a lot of waste. Many factories might not get rid of their waste the right way, which can be dangerous because some factory waste is toxic. This toxic waste leaks into the soil around it and into nearby bodies of water. Toxic fumes from the factories also get into the air. In addition to these kinds of pollution, factories can also be noisy because of the machines they use. So, all four types of pollution are caused by it. Due to urbanization, means that industries pollute the air, water, noise, and soil in this way.

Pollution is a big problem on its own, but pollution caused by people living in cities is even worse. On top of that, it’s becoming a bigger and bigger problem as even the smallest places are turned into cities. Yes, progress is good, but not when it hurts or destroys the environment.

Short Essay on Pollution due to Urbanisation 200 words in English

Short Essay in English for Grades 6 and Below on Pollution Caused by Urbanization

Here is a 200-word essay about how urbanization is causing pollution. This long essay on the subject is good for students in grades 6 and lower.

Pollution is a big problem in the world right now. Air, water, soil, and noise pollution are the four types of pollution, and they are all dangerous. Pollutants are things that don’t belong in the air, water, or soil, like trash, bad smells, or other things like that. Plastic in the oceans smoke from cars, and other things are all examples of pollutants.

When factories are built in rural areas like villages and small towns, good roads and other buildings are also built around them. This is done so that people can work more easily in factories. This is called urbanization. Many small towns have grown into big places where lots of people live and work in factories.

The bad thing about cities is that they have factories that put out a lot of pollution. Their machines make a lot of noise and send smoke into the air and harmful waste into water streams and the land around them. So, urbanization causes a lot of pollution, which is very bad for the environment when it starts.

Most of the pollution in our world is caused by people living in cities. It’s because there are factories everywhere, a lot more cars on the roads, etc.

Negative Effects of Urbanisation

As people move into cities, factories, and industries are popping up in different places, and the number of cars on the road is going up. Pollution is caused by the air and gases that factories and vehicles release into the air. In this essay about pollution caused by urbanization, we’ll look at how cities are a big problem for the environment.

Children can’t play in the streets anymore, and birds can’t fly as high. City pollution prevents many warm scenes like this. Cities have polluted air due to cars and factories.
Home and factory trash pollutes water, making it unsafe to drink.

This short essay on urban pollution will also examine other ways cities pollute the environment. Trees are cut down for houses and buildings, causing noise and land pollution. Clean food and water will be scarce, causing health issues. As we deplete our natural resources, global warming may occur.

Ways to Reduce Pollution Due to Urbanisation

By building schools, homes, offices, and roads, we hope to make every small town a city.
We think urbanization is good for us because it shows progress. To maximize urbanization, pollution must be addressed. This urbanization-related pollution essay will discuss ways to reduce pollution.

Fixing leaky pipes, sorting trash into dry, wet, paper, and plastic, reusing plastic bottles, and cooking with biogas reduces home pollution. We can also dispose of industrial waste properly without dumping it in water or on land. Industries must use safe chemicals and set up efficient machines. This short essay emphasizes the importance of reducing urbanization-related pollution.

Urbanization is crucial to a nation’s growth, but we must protect the environment.
Use this essay on urban pollution to educate our children. Utopper has more great essays, stories, general knowledge questions, and kid-friendly worksheets.


Any nation should prioritize urbanization. Health, education, sanitation, food, and safety should be available to all. Urbanization can achieve this. As we work towards this goal, we must remember that urbanization pollutes the planet and all its inhabitants.

Read Other English Essay: Soil Pollution Essay, Air Pollution Essay, Tree Plantation Essay

FAQs on Pollution due to Urbanisation Essay

Q.1 What is pollution due to Urbanisation?

Factories make a lot of pollution, which is a risk of living in cities. Their machines make a lot of noise and send smoke into the air. They also pollute the water and land around them. Because people are moving into cities, there is a lot of trash, which is bad for the environment.

Q.2 What causes pollution in urban cities?

How people live in cities is a big part of what makes the air dirty. Many people think that cars and transportation are the most obvious causes of air pollution. However, nearly 70% of particulate matter comes from the built environment, such as heating buildings, building construction, and the traffic that goes along with it.

Q.3 What does it mean by urbanisation?

Urbanization is the process of developing a rural area by building factories, good roads, good schools, etc. A city is considered to be urban or urbanised if it has good infrastructure and a lot of jobs.

Q.4 What are the four main types of pollution in simple words?

The four main types of pollution are air, water, soil and land pollution – when there are intoxicants in the air, water, or soil, we name them as such, respectively.

Q.5 How can we reduce pollution due to Urbanisation?

There are some easy things that each person can do to cut down on pollution caused by urbanisation. Instead of taking a taxi, we can walk, carpool, or use public transportation to help clean up the air. To stop soil and water pollution, trash shouldn’t be thrown on roads or in bodies of water.

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