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PNG Full Form

What is the full form of PNG?

The PNG full form is Portable Network Graphics. PNG was created as an open system to replace GIF because just one company owned the GIF patent and no one else was willing to pay licensing fees. It also permits an extensive range of colors and greater compression.

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PNG is a format for storing bitmapped or raster images on a computer. It is commonly regarded as the successor to GIF images and uses a reduced compression approach to store graphics similar to GIF files without copyright concerns. It has an indexed color bitmap, hence it is also referred to as a bitmapped image.


PNG Format was created at the beginning of 1995. GIF is limited to 256 colors, which is a major factor in the development of PNG and the fundamental cause for its implementation.

Application and benefits of PNG

  • PNG supports a wide range of colors and patterns.
  • PNG images include solid colors and clear edges, making them ideal for image editing.
  • PNG provides digital-image compression.
  • PNG is used for creating cartoons, drawings, charts, logos, plans, and graphs, among other things.
  • Text such as letters, journals, etc. can be scanned using PNG.

Advantages of PNG

  • PNG provides low-resolution images that look amazing and load quickly.
  • The PNG format is transparent.

Disadvantages of PNG

  • PNG is less ideal for images than JPEG since it produces larger files.

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