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PIL Full Form

What is the full form of the PIL?

The PIL full form is Public Interest Litigation. It refers to the use of legislation or legal action to promote or increase public concern for equality and human rights. It is frequently a legal action or other act in the public’s interest. A legal process must be taken before a court of law to protect the public or general welfare, or when a person’s legal rights or obligations are at stake. A PIL can be submitted by any individual or group of individuals.

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PIL Full Form

PIL Responsibilities

  • In order to make the judicial system more democratic, PIL is adopted as a mechanism that reflects the country’s citizens and encourages public participation in regulatory action judicial review.
  • Its primary mission is to defend the nation’s residents by taking legal action in their favor and to advance the cause of minorities and other marginalized individuals and groups.
  • It provides common citizens access to the law to seek legal remedy for a more serious issue that has a broader public interest or affects the entire population, as opposed to affecting a specific individual.
  • If the court determines that the PIL has public significance, it will shoulder the burden and appoint a lawyer to defend the case. Therefore, we may assert that in India, the judiciary only permits a person or group of individuals to file a lawsuit by submitting a letter to a judge.
  • A PIL must be filed directly with the Supreme Court or the High Court.
  • It is a privilege to advocate for a public cause by obtaining judicial relief from public injury or public interest problems, such as road safety, hazardous circumstances, and building risks. 

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