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OCD Full Form

What is the full form of OCD?

The OCD full form is Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is a disorder in which a person has persistent negative emotions or obsessions and feels forced to engage in repetitive, uncontrollable behaviors or compulsions. The individual may recognize that their obsessions and compulsions are unreasonable, but they do not feel able to resist them. In OCD, the mind becomes fixated on a certain thought or urge.

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There is no comprehensive explanation for OCD’s causes. However, it is believed to result from a combination of hereditary and environmental factors. Other criteria may be influenced by biological processes, environmental factors, or acquired behaviors.

OCD Full Form

Symptoms of OCD

One can separate the symptoms into two categories: obsessions and compulsions, and the majority of OCD patients exhibit both. Get a Detail Article on OCD here.

Symptoms of obsessions

Repetitive, undesired thoughts or urges are uncomfortable and hence provoke anxiety and sadness when they manifest as obsessions. Some typical, mostly emotional signs of fixation include:

  • Fear of contracting an infection by handling something that others have touched.
  • Concerns that you have not closed the door and turned off the stove, etc.
  • Photos of yourself or a loved one being injured.
  • Fear of misplacing or lacking items that one may require.
  • Highly centered on moral or religious concepts.

The signs of compulsions

Symptoms of compulsion consist mostly of compulsive behaviors, which are repeated actions performed to alleviate the discomfort caused by preoccupation.

  • Cleanse the hands till the skin becomes raw.
  • Monitoring the door repeatedly to verify it is closed.
  • Multiple checks of the stove or other item to confirm that it is turned off.
  • Repeatedly examine loved ones to assure their safety.
  • In a certain manner, trapping or counting objects.
  • Organizing objects, such as books, bedsheets, etc., in a specific sequence.

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