NCERT Full Form: What Is It and Why Is It Important?

Are you curious about what NCERT Full Form is? If you’re a student in India, you’ve probably heard of it. However, if you’re not from India, you may not be familiar with this acronym. In this article, we will explore what NCERT means, its importance, and its impact on the education system in India.

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The National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) is an organization in India that is responsible for developing and publishing textbooks, providing training to teachers, and conducting research in the field of education. The NCERT was established in 1961 by the Indian government with the objective of promoting education in India and improving the quality of education.

What is NCERT Full Form?

NCERT is an abbreviation for the National Council of Educational Research and Training. It is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Education, Government of India. NCERT is responsible for developing and publishing textbooks for school students in India, conducting research in the field of education, and providing training to teachers.

History of NCERT

The NCERT was established in 1961 by the Government of India with the objective of promoting education in India and improving the quality of education. The organization was formed by merging two existing organizations, the Central Bureau of Textbook Research and the Central Institute of Education.

Objectives of NCERT

The main objectives of NCERT are to:

  • Develop and promote a national curriculum framework
  • Develop and publish textbooks for school students
  • Conduct research in the field of education
  • Develop and promote innovative practices in teaching and learning
  • Provide training and professional development opportunities to teachers

Functions of NCERT

The NCERT is responsible for the following functions:

  • Developing and publishing textbooks for school students in India
  • Developing and promoting a national curriculum framework
  • Conducting research in the field of education
  • Developing and promoting innovative practices in teaching and learning
  • Providing training and professional development opportunities to teachers
  • Developing and promoting digital learning resources

Structure of NCERT

The NCERT is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Education, Government of India. The organization has a Governing Council and an Executive Committee. The Governing Council is the highest decision-making body of the NCERT and is chaired by the Minister of Education. The Executive Committee is responsible for implementing the decisions of the Governing Council.


NCERT books are widely used by school students in India. The books are known for their quality and simplicity. The NCERT books cover a wide range of subjects, including mathematics, science, social science, and languages. The books are available in both English and Hindi.

Importance of NCERT

NCERT is important for the following reasons:

  • The NCERT books are known for their quality and simplicity. They are easy to understand and are written in a student-friendly manner.
  • The NCERT books are affordable and are available in both English and Hindi.
  • The NCERT books are used by many schools in India. This helps to ensure that students across the country are learning the same content.
  • The NCERT books are aligned with the national curriculum framework. This helps to ensure that students are learning what they are supposed to be learning.

Impact of NCERT on Education in India

The NCERT has had a significant impact on the education system in India. Some of the impacts are:

  • Uniformity in Education: The NCERT books are used by many schools across the country. This helps to ensure that students are learning the same content, regardless of which school they attend.
  • Quality Education: NCERT books are known for their quality and simplicity. The content is designed to be easy to understand and to help students learn the concepts effectively.
  • Standardized Curriculum: The NCERT develops and promotes a national curriculum framework. This helps to ensure that the content taught in schools is standardized across the country.
  • Teacher Training: The NCERT provides training and professional development opportunities to teachers. This helps to ensure that teachers are equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to teach effectively.
  • Research and Innovation: The NCERT conducts research in the field of education and develops innovative practices in teaching and learning. This helps to improve the quality of education in the country.

Challenges Faced by NCERT

Despite its importance and impact on the education system in India, the NCERT faces several challenges. Some of the challenges are:

  • Resistance to Change: There is resistance to change among some stakeholders in the education system. This makes it difficult for the NCERT to implement new practices and initiatives.
  • Inadequate Funding: The NCERT often faces funding constraints, which limits its ability to carry out its functions effectively.
  • Lack of Awareness: Some students and teachers are not aware of the importance of NCERT and its role in the education system. This makes it difficult for the NCERT to achieve its objectives.

Future of NCERT

The NCERT is continuously working towards improving the quality of education in India. Some of the future initiatives of the NCERT are:

  • Developing Digital Resources: The NCERT is working towards developing digital learning resources to supplement its textbooks.
  • Continuous Professional Development: The NCERT is focusing on providing continuous professional development opportunities to teachers to help them keep up with the latest teaching methods and practices.
  • Curriculum Reforms: The NCERT is working towards developing a more flexible curriculum that caters to the diverse needs of students.

Comparison with Other Boards

The NCERT is one of several boards that are responsible for the education system in India. Some of the other boards are:

The NCERT is unique in that it develops and publishes its own textbooks and promotes a national curriculum framework. The other boards follow their own curriculum and use textbooks developed by different publishers.


The NCERT is an important organization in India that plays a crucial role in the education system. Its textbooks are widely used by students across the country, and its initiatives have had a significant impact on the quality of education. Despite facing several challenges, the NCERT is continuously working towards improving the education system in India. Students are advised to make use of the NCERT textbooks.

Criticisms of NCERT

The NCERT has also faced criticisms over the years. Some of the criticisms are:

  • Outdated Content: Some critics argue that the content of the NCERT books is outdated and not relevant to the current needs of students.
  • Overemphasis on Theory: Some critics argue that the NCERT books focus too much on theory and do not provide enough practical knowledge to students.
  • Lack of Diversity: Some critics argue that the NCERT books do not cater to the diverse needs of students across the country.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1 What is the full form of NCERT?

The full form of NCERT is the National Council of Educational Research and Training.

Q.2 What is the role of NCERT in the education system in India?

The NCERT is responsible for developing and publishing textbooks, providing training to teachers, and conducting research in the field of education.

Q.3 Are NCERT books useful for competitive exams?

Yes, NCERT books are useful for competitive exams such as the UPSC Civil Services Examination and various state-level exams.

Q.4 Are NCERT books enough for board exams?

NCERT books are the primary source of information for board exams in India. However, students are advised to supplement their learning with other study materials.

Q.5 Are NCERT books available in all languages?

NCERT books are available in several languages, including English, Hindi, and some regional languages. However, not all subjects are available in all languages.

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