EnglishMother Teresa Essay | Essay on Mother Teresa in 500 words

Mother Teresa Essay | Essay on Mother Teresa in 500 words

Mother Teresa Essay

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Mother Teresa Essay in English 

Mother Teresa could be called “The Saint of the 20th Century” without being wrong. With her white sari draped over her head and her back straight, she looked like God’s love on earth. In troubled times like ours, when the race for materialism has almost completely destroyed our morality, this apostle of love and mercy became a light of hope for millions of people all over the world. Her inspiring and selfless work with the homeless, the poor, the elderly, the disabled, and the unwanted was nothing less than the divine self in action. Students can learn about Mother Teresa through essay writing, an essay on Mother Teresa, or Mother Teresa Essay.

500+ Words Essay on Mother Teresa

Essay on Mother Teresa: There have been many good people in the world’s history. Mother Teresa just showed up in the middle of that crowd of people. She is a very good woman who has spent her whole life helping people who are poor and in need. Even though she wasn’t Indian, she went there to help the people there. Most of all, in this essay about Mother Teresa, we will talk about the different parts of her life.

Mother Teresa wasn’t her real name, but the church gave her this name after the name of St. Teresa when she became a nun. She was born a Christian and had a strong faith in God. She decides to become a nun because of this.

mother teresa essay

The Beginning of Mother Teresa’s Journey

She was raised in a Catholic Christian family, so she had a strong faith in God and people. Even though she spends most of her life at church, she has never thought about becoming a nun. When she went to Kolkata, India, after she finished her work in Dublin, her whole life changed. She enjoyed teaching kids for 15 years in a row.

In addition to teaching kids in school, she worked hard to teach the poor children in that area. She started her journey of kindness by opening a school in the open air where she taught poor kids. She worked alone for years without any money, but she still teaches students.

Her Missionary

She wants a permanent place because she does such good work by teaching poor people and helping people who are in need. This will be her main office and a place where poor and homeless people can stay.

So, with the help of the church and the people, she set up a missionary where poor and homeless people can live and die in peace. Later, she is able to use her NGO to open a number of schools, homes, clinics, and hospitals in India and other places.

Death of Mother Teresa and Memorial

She gave people hope, but death doesn’t spare anyone. And this gem died serving people in Kolkata (Calcutta). Also, when she died, the whole country shed tears for her. When she dies, the poor, needy, homeless, and weak will once again be left without parents.

The Indian people made many memorials to her in her honour. Aside from that, there are also several memorials to her in other countries.

In the end, we can say that it was hard for her to take care of and teach poor children at first. But she handles these problems with care.

At the start of her journey, she would teach poor kids by writing on the ground with a stick. But after struggling for years, she finally gets the things she needs to teach with the help of volunteers and other teachers.

Later, she opened a place where poor people could go to die in peace. Indians have a lot of respect for her because of all the good things she has done.

Essay Writing on Mother Teresa

Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu was born on August 26, 1910, in Skopje, which is now in the country of Macedonia. Nikola, a simple businessman, was her father. Her father died when she was only eight years old. After that, her mother, Dranafile, had to take care of the whole family. Mother Teresa was the last of her siblings to be born. She was a pretty girl who worked hard and liked to sing. When she was 12, she decided that she wanted to spend her whole life helping other people. When she was 18, she decided to join the Sisters of Loreto, an Irish group of nuns with missions in India. Then she moved to Ireland and learned English there. She moved to Calcutta on January 6, 1929, from Ireland. This essay about Mother Teresa will help students learn about her life. They will get to know the contribution made by Mother Teresa for the welfare of the society. Also, the Mother Teresa Essay helps students learn about the good things she did for society and the different prizes she won for her writing.

Mother Teresa was a strict teacher, and her students really liked her. She cared a lot about teaching. But seeing all the pain and poverty around her made her irritable. In 1943, a lot of people in Calcutta died from hunger. In 1947, riots between Hindus and Muslims made things worse in the city of Calcutta. In 1946, she decided to spend the rest of her life helping the most needy and poor people in Calcutta. After this, she completed the requisite nursing training at the Holy Family hospital in Pune. In 1948, she went back to Calcutta, and from there, she went to Taltala for the first time. At Taltala, she took care of people who were sick or otherwise helpless. Gradually, she attracted people by her selfless work. Even India’s top leader, the Prime Minister, praised her work.

mother teresa

Initially, Mother Teresa found her work very tough. She had already left Loreto, so she didn’t have any money. To get by, she had to ask people for help. On October 7, 1950, the Vatican gave her permission to start Missionaries of Charity. The goal of these places is to help people who don’t fit in anywhere else. Mother Teresa started an ashram called Nirmala Shishu Bhavan and Nirmal Hriday. Nirmal Hriday was made to help people who had been left out of society, like sick people and poor people. The purpose of Nirmala Shishu Bhawan was to help orphans and homeless children. The Government of India gave her the “Padma Shri” award in 1962 and the “Bharat Ratna” award in 1980.

Mother Teresa’s work has been recognised throughout the whole world. She has won many prizes and awards for her work all over the world. In 1985, she was given the Medal of Freedom by the United States of America. In 1979, she was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for helping the poor and helpless. Mother Teresa decided to use the prize money of one lakh and ninety-two thousand US dollars to help poor and helpless people in India. In 1971, Pope John XXIII gave her the Peace Prize, and in 1972, the Nehru Prize for promoting peace and understanding was given to her. She suffered from heart and kidney problems for many years. When her health got worse in 1997, she quit her job as Chief of Missionaries of Charity. She died in Calcutta on September 5, 1997.

Conclusion on Mother Teresa Essay

At 9:45 p.m. on September 5, 1997, Mother Teresa had a heart attack. It was a loss that couldn’t be replaced and was felt around the world. On September 13, 1997, Mother Teresa was laid to rest. This was exactly 7 months after Sister Nirmala was chosen to be her successor. Mother Teresa would be remembered by everyone whose lives she touched with her gentle touch that made all the difference.

Frequently asked Questions on Mother Teresa Essay

Q.1 What are 5 facts about Mother Teresa?

She was born in Skopje, Macedonia.
She became a nun at the age of 18.
She lived and worked in India for 17 years.
She was a Nobel Peace Prize winner.
She had incredible organizational skills along with her compassion and love for humanity.

Q.2 What is the summary of Mother Teresa?

Mother Teresa was the person who started the Order of the Missionaries of Charity. This is a group of Roman Catholic women who help the poor. She is known as one of the most caring people of the 20th century. In 2016, she was named Saint Teresa of Calcutta.

Q.3 What is the famous line of Mother Teresa?

‘ I will continually be absent from Heaven–to light the light of those in darkness on earth,” she said, according to Mother Teresa: Come Be My Light, whose author described it as her “mission statement.” 

Q.4 Why was Mother Teresa a good leader?

One of Mother Teresa‘s best qualities was that she never lost sight of the main goal of her organisation, which was to help the very poorest people. She spent a lot of her own time helping people who were in a lot of trouble. The Missionaries of Charity still follow the example she set in their lives.

Q.5 How did Mother Teresa change the world?

Mother Teresa of Calcutta was a missionary nun and one of the most important people in the world in the 20th century. She started the Missionaries of Charity, which is a religious group that helps poor people. Because of this, she was able to start programmes and projects that made her a worldwide symbol of charity.

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