EnglishLONG and Short Essay on Social Issues

LONG and Short Essay on Social Issues

Essay On Social Issues

In this LONG and Short Essay on Social Issues, we are discussing Socialism and Communalism. In this Utopper’s article Find essays on “Social Issues” written specifically for high school, college, and university students. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Social Issues Essay for Students in English

India is a varied country, with people from all walks of life and from all cultural and ethnic backgrounds. There are generally nine major religions, each with its own set of sub-castes. With 28 states and 8 union territories, India genuinely exemplifies unity in diversity.

Too many individuals have been plagued by social issues. Often, you may have observed that many things in society appear to be negative. You must have witnessed, for instance, poor children begging on the streets. They do not attend school. They are forced to beg for survival. These circumstances, along with others affecting the general populace, are social issues.

However, the phrase “unity in variety” is frequently misinterpreted as implying that everything in India is perfect. No country in the world is without challenges, particularly social issues, and India is no exception. In this social issues essay, we will discuss the numerous social issues that India and many other countries of the world may experience in 2020.

Long and Short Essays on Social Issues for Students and Kids in English

Examples of 600-word long essays on social issues and 200-word short essays on social issues in English are provided below. Schoolchildren and students in grades 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 can use this for essay writing, exams, tests, assignments, and project work.

Long Essay on Social Issues 600 Words in English

India is a country with 28 states and 8 union territories, with people following 9 major religions and speaking more than 22 languages across the country. Assuming that everything is great in a country with 140 million people and so much diversity is not only absurd but also represents an unprecedented level of ignorance on our behalf.

There are numerous social challenges that India faces, and in this essay on social issues, we will explore the major issues that India suffers.

What are the social concerns that India is dealing with?

The following are the major societal challenges that India will face in 2020.

Communalism: India’s political establishment has traditionally used the divide-and-rule strategy. This policy was passed down by the British and is still practiced by the ruling class today. What’s more, people fall into this trap every five years during election season. Communalism is the practice of dividing individuals along caste and communal lines. Inciting hatred and bigotry among diverse groups of people through hate-mongering and inflammatory comments result in violence and unrest. In recent years, India has had some of the worst communal riots, including the 1991 Mumbai riots, the Ayodhya riots, the 2002 Godhra riots, and the 2020 Delhi riots.

Poverty: There are millions of Indians who live below the poverty line. While the government has attempted to provide them with food, every government since India’s independence has failed miserably to raise them out of poverty. Millions of Indian households rely on daily wage labor and can quickly fall into poverty if they do not work even one day. During the COVID-19 pandemic, when the country was under lockdown for two months, the subject of poverty was accentuated and shone in our faces. Millions of people were on the point of starving due to a shortage of work and food.

Gender Discrimination: For many years, our country has struggled with the pay gap between male and female employees, the lack of adequate representation of female leaders in parliament, dowry harassment, a lack of equal opportunities in both the private and public sectors, and social stereotypes and stigmas associated with the concept of gender. Despite the existence of a special ministry for empowering women in the country, women have been abused in both public and private settings due to a lack of educational and social awareness.

Female Foeticide: India has made it illegal for medical facilities to reveal the gender of a baby before its birth. In a country where female foeticide is at an all-time high, this was an absolutely necessary measure. Killing kids inside the womb because the baby’s gender is female is considered a felony in the country. Female foeticide continues to occur in India, despite tight law and order. The reason for this is a false societal stigma connected with females in the culture, with parents feeling that girls are a financial and social burden. Proper educational and awareness initiatives, particularly in rural India, are required to educate people about the importance of a girl child in a family.

Despite providing free basic and secondary education, India has an extremely high illiteracy rate. This is especially true in economically depressed communities, where parents would rather send their children to work and earn money than to school. They believe that going to school and studying will not provide them with a living. To motivate parents to take their children to school, proper knowledge of the importance of education in a child’s life must be fostered.

Corruption: From the 2G fraud to the CWG scam and the Satyam Scam, India has seen corruption scandals costing thousands of crores in both the public and commercial sectors. Corruption has delayed our economic growth and led in a large amount of illicit money being stashed abroad. Corruption has hampered India’s growth. To stop and minimize corruption in India, proper rules and legislation should be put in place.

Short Essay on Social Issues 200 Words in English

Please find a 200-word short essay about social topics in English below. Schoolchildren and students in grades 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 can use this for essay writing, exams, tests, assignments, and project work.

Social issues are those that cause harm to a country’s social and cultural fabric. Gender inequality, racism, female infanticide, communalism, and hostility are all hot topics in various countries. However, when we consider the entire globe, global warming, climate change, deforestation, terrorism, plastic explosion, population expansion, and racism are a few pressing challenges that require international communities to work together to develop a long-term, strong, and powerful answer.

There is no such thing as a country that does not have social concerns. Certain social issues can alter the direction and dynamics of a country or a society as a whole. Racism fueled a powerful movement that produced revolutionary and visionary leaders such as Nelson Mandela. Corruption scandals, such as the Watergate affair, alter American politics, while communalism issues, such as the Ram Janma Bhoomi-Babri Masjid case, alter India’s secular fabric.

Now that we are in the twenty-first century, individuals must rise above prejudice and intolerance in society and work together with the government to solve social concerns in order to provide a successful and better future for our children and grandchildren.


If a society becomes adamant, it can successfully end societal issues. These societal difficulties impede the advancement of society. As a result, we must all work together to combat them and put an end to them for the greater good.

Frequently Asked Questions on Essay On Social Issues

Q.1 What are 5 social issues?

Social Issues include poverty, unemployment, uneven opportunity, racism, and starvation. Substandard housing, employment discrimination, and child abuse and neglect are other issues. Crime and substance misuse are two further instances of social issues.

Q.2 What are the effects of social issues?

Our society suffers greatly as a result of social problems.
One of the most significant consequences is that our harmony has been disrupted, and in its place, there is hatred and suspicion in society. These also cause widespread social discontent and cause hardship and unhappiness.

Q.3 What causes social issue?

Overpopulation, inequality, and a lack of adequate education are all common causes of social problems. Data from social science study assists us in finding solutions to prevalent societal problems.

Q.4 Is depression a social issue?

Since depression is so prevalent, all social workers, regardless of their practice setting and specialization, must be familiar with various aspects of the syndrome. Depression has been a social problem throughout history.

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