HomeFull FormKBPS Full Form

KBPS Full Form

What is the Full form of kbps?

The kbps full form is kilobits per second. It is a standard data transmission value system. The speed of data transmission across networks is measured in kilobits per second, which corresponds to the bandwidth measurement of the data transmission platform. In the data communication industry, it is often used to measure the value of data transmission.

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kbps full form


  1. Bandwidth is the total amount of data that can be transmitted during a certain time period. 
  2. 1kbps per second = 1000 bits
  3. 200 kbps per second = 200000 bits
  4. 1 Mbps per second = 1000 kilobits
  5. 1 Gbps per second = 1000 Megabits

Difference between the kbps and KBps

The full form of KBps is Kilobytes per second.The full form of kbps is kilobits per second.
KBps is a binary kilobyte unit, and1 byte = Eight bitsKbps is a decimal kilobit unit.

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