EnglishIssues and Problems Faced by Women in India Essay

Issues and Problems Faced by Women in India Essay

Issues and Problems Faced by Women in India Essay

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Issues and Problems Faced by Women in India Essay

Issues and Problems Faced by Women in India Essay: The condition of women in India is the best illustration of the issue of hypocrisy. On one side, women are honoured as mothers, while on the other, they are harassed in the shape of an object. Women are God’s greatest creation, yet the reality is much different. Here is a quick overview of the topic in the form of a lengthy essay, a short essay, and ten guidelines for structuring an essay.

500 Words Essay on Issues and Problems faced by Women in India

In India, women are accorded goddess-like status. However, their difficulties demonstrate the reverse of this notion. On the one hand, they revere them as goddesses, while on the other, they subject them to incessant abuse and deem them inferior. India’s women have always been confronted with societal obstacles. As people progressed, so did the problems; they did not disappear, but rather morphed into new forms. To help our country flourish, we must recognise these issues and act swiftly.

Issues and Problems Faced by Women in India Essay

Problems Faced by Women in India

In ancient times, there were serious problems such as the Sati system, no widow remarriage, the devadasi system, and more. While the majority of these challenges are no longer common, women now confront a number of new problems. They may not be identical, but they are nonetheless as terrible as the initial outbreaks. They hamper the development of a nation and make women feel inferior.

First, violence against women in India is an extremely significant problem. It occurs nearly every day in various forms. Instead of acting, people choose to ignore the problem. Domestic abuse occurs more frequently than you would believe. In addition, there is dowry-related harassment, marital rape, genital mutilation, and other forms of violence.

Next, we will discuss gender discrimination issues. Men and women are not considered equal. They experience discrimination practically everywhere, both at work and at home. Even young females are affected by this discrimination. Unfairly, patriarchy determines a woman’s life.

In addition, there is a shortage of female education and a salary discrepancy between men and women. Women in rural communities continue to be denied access to education due to their gender. Similarly, women are not compensated equally for performing the same task as men. In addition, they are subject to workplace harassment and exploitation.

Ways to Tackle These Issues

We must unite as one to combat these problems faced by women in India. Every individual and government must work to create a safe environment for women. People who commit crimes against women must be subject to stricter penalties. They must also be well implemented for everyone to take them seriously.

Furthermore, men and women must have equal access to opportunities. We must encourage women to put their utmost effort in every profession. Regardless of whether the area is medicine or athletics, opportunities must be equal.

Additionally, education must be emphasised heavily. Every girl and woman must be required to receive an education for a brighter future. We must work together to secure and protect our women in India. It will contribute to our national prosperity and make the globe a better place.

Consequently, each of us must be willing to respect women as equals. We must assist them at every point, but also give them the autonomy to make their own judgments. After addressing these challenges, women will no longer encounter discrimination based on their gender.

Long and Short Essays on Issues and Problems Faced by Women in India for Students and Kids in English

We provide a 400-500-word Issues and Problems Faced by Women in India essay as well as a 100-200-word Issues and Problems Faced by Women in India short essay.

Long Essay on Issues and Problems Faced by Women in India 500 words in English

Students in schools 7, 8, 9, and 10 can benefit from the Issues and Problems Facing Women in India essay.

The origins of any nation’s culture can be traced to the principles inculcated by women throughout their lifetimes. In the shape of a daughter, a mother, a sister, or any such relation, women are the most celebrated presence in every part of our life. Women were given the ability to make life, which, as we all know, is no simple feat.

Women in India endure completely contradictory circumstances. On the one hand, women are revered as gods, while on the other, they are degraded in various ways that a rational person cannot comprehend.

In India, being a woman is not easy. Due to the orthodox attitude that has taken root in the Indians’ thoughts, they must struggle for their basic human rights. It is generally believed that males have greater physical strength, but that the emotional strength that comes with women’s endurance is formidable.

Women in India belong to the same group. Where they have the ability to fight back, they continue to face difficulties throughout their lives. Education is a force that should be accessible to all, but in India, this is not the case. People believe that teaching woman is more than they deserve because if they are more capable than males, they would not be eligible for marriage.

If a woman is educated and fully competent, gender inequality causes her to suffer in the workplace, where she is either not deemed as qualified as men or is harassed by superiors with unreasonable demands.

Cases involving the hurling of acid are common because hostility towards endangering someone’s life sounds more plausible than analysing the situation with maturity. When a parent sacrifices his entire life in the shape of his daughter in a marriage, people anticipate comparing the amount he offered in the marriage.

And if for any reason the father does not provide enough, the daughter is subjected to domestic violence. Daughters were once sacrificed in pots of milk as soon as they were born; however, we have gone a long way since then. What type of psychology teaches someone to despise women and do such heinous crimes?

Women are considered the embodiment of sacrifice since they endure the wrath of numerous life circumstances. They make sacrifices so that their neighbours can live and love in peace. The global gender gap index for 2020 revealed that India fell from 108th to 112th place.

However, we do not need an index to recognise that there is a dense haze in the minds of Indians, who continue to assault women indifferently. In spite of the fact that the women of India are resilient in every circumstance, we fail to recognise the importance of women in our life.

Short Essay on Issues and Problems Faced by Women in India 150 words in English

In the world’s largest democracy, where goddesses are honoured and revered, one might assume that women also enjoy protection and safety. The truth is very different. Women endure issues on a daily basis that males cannot grasp; they are ogled and scrutinised for their clothing, behaviour, and everything associated with them; at home, they are supposed to be caregivers, moms, cooks, nurses, nice wives, and a daughter-in-law.

It is heartbreaking to observe that they are supposed to possess such a high level of inhuman and machine-like skill, yet nobody seems satisfied with their performance. They are mistreated on the roadways, in public transportation, at work, in their own homes, and in their personal relationships. Numerous difficulties exist, such as harassment related to dowry, and young girls are neglected and not supported for personal development from an early age, which weakens the foundation of their entire relationship. When girls grow up in such poisonous environments, they tolerate domestic violence, and marital rape, and do not speak out against violent behaviour in relationships.

To stop this, we must be empathetic towards women in all aspects of life. As a society, we should encourage the education of girls and the advancement of women to positions of power in government and business, as well as enact stiffer penalties for those who harass others in any way. The way to grow is collectively, and empowering women will build a very powerful nation, and as women grow, they build economies. When we as a nation do not ignore women’s contributions, we will flourish in numerous ways.


Women are more sensitive and empathetic than men, which is sometimes viewed as a sign of weakness. Men must know that patriarchy and ego, which are detrimental to women, are also detrimental to them. Women have so many concerns that we cannot verbalise them, and they face so much without complaining; therefore, everyone should help women if they have a problem and fight for justice and equality against wrongdoers. In addition, encourage young women to speak up without fear when an issue arises. Equal involvement and pay at work must be the norm, and men must equally participate to household chores. There is still a long way to go, but united we can make progress.

FAQ’s on Issues and Problems Faced by Women in India Essay

Q.1 What are the problems women are facing?

Gender equality and gender backlash.
Women’s autonomy, equality and reproductive health.
Women’s land rights.
Criminalization of adultery.
Discrimination against women in nationality.
Women human rights defenders and gender discrimination.

Q.2 What are the problems faced by women in a family?

2 Problems facing women- headed families are: poverty, economic insecurity, social, political, powerlessness, and health problems. While problems facing their children are: poverty, social, and health problems.

Q.3 What are the main problem of women’s education in India?

Parental attitude, lack of infrastructure, lack of security, superstations related to girls, socio-economic condition of parents are the major challenges for promoting girls’ education in India.

Q.4 What are the common forms of violence in India?

The common forms of violence in India are domestic abuse, sexual assault, and murder.

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