HomeFull FormGMT Full Form

GMT Full Form

What is the GMT full form?

The GMT full form is Greenwich Mean Time. The Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London uses GMT or Greenwich Mean Time. The Earth’s meridian, which is a longitude line at zero degrees, is where it is measured. These lines pass via London’s Old Royal Observatory in Greenwich on their way from north to south pole travel.

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History of GMT in a nutshell

  • GMT was not formally adopted by the British Parliament until August 2, 1880.
  • It was ratified by the USA on November 18, 1883.
  • 24 time zones were established, and GMT was adopted worldwide at the International Meridian Conference in 1884.
  • Today, the United Kingdom’s civil time, or UTC, is known as GMT.

A few details concerning GMT are –

  • GMT is regarded as a universal time reference. It was established in 1884 and serves as a reference for the entire world’s timeline as well as a standard for all time zones.
  • Greenwich Mean Time is also known as Greenwich Meridian Time since it is calculated from the Greenwich Meridian Line.
  • It concentrates on the erratic rotation of the planet, but it monitors a fake mean and accounts for a constant velocity near the equator.
  • The base time zone for the entire world is GMT. Since it is a real reference to time, it is unaffected by changes in the weather. 

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