HomeFull FormGFR Full Form

GFR Full Form

What is the full form of the GFR?

The GFR full form is Glomerular Filtration Rate. It is a measurement used to assess the health of the kidneys. It estimates specifically how much blood passes through the glomeruli every minute. Glomeruli are tiny filters in the kidneys that remove waste from the blood.

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Typically, the Glomerulus filtration rate is determined using a mathematical formula in which the age and gender of an individual are connected with blood creatinine levels. The higher the threat to the kidney, the lower the GFRs. It tells the physician of the level of kidney damage and enables them to design the necessary treatment.

Method for conducting the test

Below is a step-by-step explanation of how to complete the test.

  • A blood sample is required.
  • The blood sample is forwarded to the laboratory. In the laboratory, the level of creatinine is measured in the blood sample.
  • Creatinine is a chemical waste product generated from creatine. Creatine is a molecule that the body creates, particularly for energy-producing muscles.
  • To determine the GFR, the laboratory specialist combines the blood’s creatinine concentration with numerous other variables.
  • For children and adults, a variety of formulae have been employed. Specifically, the following items are incorporated into the methodology.
    • Blood creatinine measurement
    • Gender
    • Weight
    • Height
    • Age
    • Ethnicity

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