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FM Full Form

What Is the Full Form of FM?

The FM full form is Frequency Modulation. FM is a method or technique of encoding details about a specific analog or digital signal by changing the frequency of the carrier wave according to the frequency of the modulating signal. Modulating signal is identical to a message that must be transmitted as a modified electrical signal.

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In Frequency Modulation, the carrier frequency signal is adjusted to the message signal, although the amplitude and phase and amplitude are maintained constant.

Important Details Regarding FM

  • FM was established in 1930 by Edwin Armstrong.
  • The radio wave is referred to as the carrier wave, although its phase and amplitude phase remains unchanged.
  • It includes increased bandwidth and improved sound quality.
  • The frequency range of FM is 88 – 108 MHz in the upper band.
  • Less susceptible to sound.

Use of FM

FM is typically employed in radio broadcasting. FM delivers a great benefit in radio broadcasting as it has a larger signal-to-noise ratio. It means it results in minimum interference with radio frequencies. It is the crucial reason that many radio stations use FM to broadcast music over the radio.

Benefits of FM

  • Reduced interference and noise.
  • Compared to Amplitude Modulation, Power Modulation consumes less energy.
  • Separate adjacent FM channels with guard bands.

Limitations of FM

  • The cost of machinery is significant, and it has a wide bandwidth.
  • The transmission received is a weak FM signal.
  • For optimal interaction, antennas must be placed in close proximity to FM systems. 

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