HomeFull FormFIR Full Form

FIR Full Form

FIR full form is the First Information Report. FIR is a document that contains the necessary information on a criminal offense. It should be noted that FIR is not definitive evidence that an individual committed a crime. The FIR is the starting point for an investigation into a particular offense.

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The content present on the FIR page is listed below.

  • FIR file name
  • Name of the victim or name of the person making the complaint.
  • Offense description
  • Time and place of crime
  • Witness statements (If any)
  • If the offender is identified, then the person’s name and description.

Why is FIR Required?

FIR contributes to the criminal justice system. After filing a First Information Report, the police can begin their investigation. After registration, the content of the FIR cannot be changed unless by a ruling of the highest or highest court.

Method To File A FIR

  • The procedure for filing an FIR is outlined in Section 154 of the 1973 Act Code of Criminal Procedure.
  • When the police get verbal information regarding a recognizable commission offense, they must record the information in writing.
  • As a person who provides information or files a complaint, you have the right to request that the police record be read to you.
  • When police record the information, the person providing it must sign it.
  • After confirming that the police report matches the information you gave, you should sign the report.
  • People who cannot read or write are required to place their left thumbprint on the paper until they are satisfied that it is a valid record.
  • If the police do not provide a copy of the FIR, you should always demand one. You have the right to receive it for free.

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