EnglishEssay on Water Resources In India

Essay on Water Resources In India

Water Resources In India Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Water Resources In India: Water is a valuable natural resource that can never run out. The plant and animal kingdoms can’t live without water. This is why water is called “LIFE.” In this essay we will discuss about the water resources of the India. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Earth’s greatest resource is water. Water sustains all life and created it. Earth was the only planet in the solar system with water before Mars’ discovery. 71% of Earth is covered in water, but only 3% is freshwater. Glaciers and ice caps hold two-thirds of freshwater. The remaining portion is groundwater and surface water. 

Essay on Water Resources In India

500 Words+ Essay on Water Resources In India in English

Water is essential to human survival. Humans and animals value water. Its source is vital. A resource is a place where a substance is widely available. Water resources provide water. Humans and animals need them. Water, like everything, is finite. Human activities are not stabilising or distributing the water cycle, which replenishes some water sources.

Our planet is 35% water, but water scarcity persists. Because only 2.5% of water from the seas and oceans is drinkable. Salty or unusable water sources exist. Freshwater is drinkable. Rivers, streams, glacial lakes, wells, etc. contain freshwater. This water is safe to drink. Mountains, underground lakes, etc. supply freshwater. We shouldn’t pollute this vital resource.

We cannot live without water. Water shortages will kill animals and humans. Humans drink and use water for other purposes. Irrigation, bathing, washing clothes, equipment, and objects, making products, etc. Daily life requires it. Thus, other animals and plants must value it. Water and sunlight allow plants to produce fruits, products, and O2, which we need to survive. It’s a cycle of dependency.

However, people die from thirst and lack of water. Climate change causes this. Humans are responsible for climate change. Uncontrolled industrialization and urbanisation have degraded air, water, and soil. Pollution has ruined their health. Greenhouse effects and other activities change weather patterns. Droughts and floods cause human settlements and animal deaths. Ecosystems change, especially the water cycle.

Rainfall varies by location. Farmers who use rainwater are helpless as their crops dry up or drown in heavy rain. Places that depend on large water sources also have water shortages. Clean drinking water helps the body flush waste and stay fit. Bad water will harm residents.

Water resource management requires proper thought. Water demand exceeds in most places, and at the current rate of water resource depletion, water scarcity will soon be everywhere. Afforestation helps the water cycle, air pollution, and ecosystem by promoting plans and policies. Factory and household waste should not be dumped near water sources to prevent pollution and infestation. Avoid washing clothes and toiletries near water sources. Awareness of water scarcity should encourage people to use rainwater and not waste it. Irrigation recycles water.

Flooding in Our Country

Some parts of the country flood annually. India is the most flooded tropical nation. Floods destroy homes, kill animals, and ruin crops. Railway tracks and roads are washed away, and sand covers agricultural land.

Polluted water and a damp environment cause many diseases. The following causes devastating floods.

(1) Floods occur in river catchments when 15 cm or more of rain falls in a day.

(2) Cyclones’ heavy rainfall and storms cause tidal sea waves that flood coastal lowlands with brined water and damage lives and crops. River water cannot drain as seawater rises, causing flooding.

(3) Silting shallows river beds, causing flood water to overflow embankments or breach them.

(4) Deforestation causes excessive soil erosion in river upstreams, which deposits silts on river beds and mouths. In some river mouths, alluvial fans, levees, and sand ridges block river water discharge.

(5) Embankments and canals in agriculturally developed areas also cause flooding.

(6) Lateral erosion causes meanders in rivers, which prevents water from flowing smoothly and causes flooding.

Humans need water. We need it to survive, so the most intelligent species on Earth must take responsibility for our pollution and try to avert the crisis. Earth’s creatures depend on us. Avoid wasteful water use and pollution. That way we can maximise our time to think of better solutions like using sea water in factories to make clean drinking water for everyone. 

Short Essay on Water Resources In India 200 Words in English

Water resource management:

There are Central and State organisations that deal with different parts of managing water resources. Here are a few of them:

Water resource management

Water management is an important issue that needs to be dealt with right away. As shown above, at least nine groups work on this issue. Unfortunately, none of these groups has put water conservation at the top of their list, except in a small way for the Central Water Commission, which has a special unit for this.

The most water is used by the agriculture sector. Nearly 40% of this is for irrigation, and that number could go up to 80% by 2010 A.D. The way water is used for irrigation is very inefficient (only 25–30%), and the way irrigation is done needs to change a lot.

Based on the information in Table (1(B)5) about how water is used, it is clear that irrigation (which includes watering livestock) and the power sector use 79.6% and 13.7% of the water, respectively. This is followed by the domestic (3.5%) and industrial (3.2%) sectors. Water is a state issue, just like land and forests, and the state government can make laws about both surface and underground water.

But in the public interest, the Union Government has the power to make laws in areas between states and in river valleys. There are laws about irrigation, water, flood control, field channels, drainage, preventing waterlogging and saltiness, and other things. There are also laws to stop water pollution, and the Central and State Pollution Control Boards make sure they are followed. In 1988, the Water Act of 1974 was changed.

Almost 80% of the water in most Indian rivers flows during the monsoon season. In 1947, the total live storage capacity in different basins was 1.47 M m3, but it is now 4.65 M m3. With 61% of the total flow, Pennar has the most storage, followed by Mahi with 56%, Tapti with 45%, and Krishna with 44%.

All of these have reached nearly 50% saturation. The rest are 34% (indus), 7% (Ganga), 6% (Narmada), and 4%. (Subarnarekha). Making electricity is another big source of pollution and environmental damage. In this case, hydroelectric power is very important. A study of how these projects will affect the environment should be done. 

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