EnglishEssay on Untouchability: Understanding its Effects and Solutions

Essay on Untouchability: Understanding its Effects and Solutions

Untouchability Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Untouchability: Untouchability is the act of treating people and groups differently because of their cast or the jobs they do. In this essay on “Untouchability,” we will talk about its history and the laws that govern it. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Essay on Untouchability in 600 Words in English

Untouchability is the act of treating people and groups differently because of their cast or the jobs they do. It has been going on for a very long time. It is based on the order of the Indian caste system. Because they are from a lower caste, the untouchables are often treated badly. In almost every place, they have been treated badly in different ways.

History of Untouchability in India

The word “untouchable” comes from the Sanskrit word “Dalit,” which means “broken” or “low.” Some people think that the untouchable system is only used in India, but it is also used in Japan, Tibet, and Korea, among other places.

The castes come from the Vedas, which divide people into four main groups: Brahmans, who are priests and the most important people, Kshatriyas, who are warriors, Vaishyas, who are small

business owners and merchants, and Shudras, who are people who work in sanitation. So, the main things that made people different in ancient India were their caste and what they did for a living.

Struggles to get rid of untouchability

Even though people have been fighting for years against using power over the oppressed class, the practice of “untouchability” is still seen in many places around the world. Even intelligent people do these things.

Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar and Mahatma Gandhi are two well-known people who worked very hard to end the practice of untouchability. So, these people’s hard work gave the Dalits a fair chance to show what they could do and increased the chances of equality, harmony, and brotherhood in society.

Changing the Constitution

After many protests and fights to end the practice of untouchability, the constitution was changed to protect the rights of the oppressed classes. Article 17 of the Indian Constitution banned and made it illegal to be untouchable. No one can stop Dalits or Harijans from going into temples, streets, buses, etc., because of this. They can use all public services without being treated badly. Also, no one can refuse to sell the Dalit people anything.

The government also makes sure that these castes get a spot. Reservation means that a certain number of jobs and college spots in the government are set aside for people from lower classes. It makes sure that the way they were treated in the past doesn’t stop them from making progress in the present and the future. The reservation also wants to give them a fair chance to go to school, which will help them, their families, and future generations.

Essay on Untouchability

Today’s Case of Being Untouchable

How untouchables are seen now is different from how they were seen in the past. People are getting smarter and more able to think logically. Even though the constitution has been changed, untouchability and caste discrimination are still common. Politicians do this to get more people to vote for them and to get more power in the government.

Dalits who live in cities are less likely to be hurt by this kind of discrimination than Dalits who live in rural areas. People who live in rural areas like to hold on to their old beliefs and ways of life and don’t want to accept changes that are made for the betterment of society.


In the eyes of the law, everyone is the same. We won’t treat people differently or try to control them because of their caste. We should teach our kids how important it is to be considerate, kind, and fair to everyone. Most of the time, the Dalits are treated badly because of their jobs, like cleaning public places. Basically, we should respect them the most because they keep our society clean and healthy. So, young people should take charge and fight to get rid of it completely. 

Long Essay on Untouchability

From one time to the next, the meaning of “untouchable” has changed. The idea of not being able to touch someone has been around since 1500–800 BC. The idea of being untouchable is old and has been used throughout history. It could be thought of as separating a group of people from the rest of society based on their caste and subcaste.

At different times, the untouchables were known by different names. For example, during the Vedic period, they were known as “Chandala.”

During the Middle Ages, they were called “Achhuta,” and when the British ruled India, they were called “Depressed Castes” or “Exterior Castes.”

The practise of not touching people is based on the caste system. People who can’t be touched are in the last caste, called Avarnas, which means they don’t belong to any caste. People from Avarna were given jobs that had no respect, like cleaning gutters, picking up trash, keeping watch, sweeping, cleaning pigs and cows, etc. People who were born into the Avarna caste are now called Dalits. They are also called “Scheduled Castes,” which is the name the Indian Constitution gave them to help them improve and grow.

Seeing how the Dalits have been mistreated by society, the government has passed laws to protect them from violence in the future. The Protection of Civil Rights Act of 1955 was made to protect people who were treated unfairly. The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Act of 1955 was also made to help the lower caste with money and the law.

Even though the constitution has been changed and the government has passed laws, untouchability and caste-based discrimination are still common in many parts of the country. Dalits who live in cities are less likely to be hurt than Dalits who live in rural areas.

Dalits who live in rural areas are not allowed in the village because it is thought that they would ruin the village’s clean environment. Basic needs like water to drink, electricity, etc. are not met because they are not thought to be good enough. 

he Dalits who live in rural areas have accepted their faith because it was written by such strict people and they have no one else to help them. Politicians are corrupt because they only care about getting more votes and getting more power in government, even if it means hurting innocent people who just want to live their lives with dignity.

In the eyes of the law, everyone is the same, and discrimination based on caste or subcaste is not allowed. The government has made changes to the law that will help the Dalits move up in society. People who live in rural areas have been taught over and over again about basic human rights and how untouchability directly violates them. 

People who don’t let Dalits into religious places or let them drink water or eat food and drinks are punished in a strict way. It is important to teach the next generation about these bad things because it will plant a seed that will grow and change the way people think.

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