EnglishEssay on The Value of Oxygen and Water in Life and the...

Essay on The Value of Oxygen and Water in Life and the Earth

Value of Oxygen and Water in Life and the Earth Essay

Read this informative essay on The Value of Oxygen and Water in Life and the Earth to learn more about the importance of water and oxygen to life and the environment. Discover their significance for survival and how they affect the environment. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Essay on The Value of Oxygen and Water in Life and the Earth

The relationship between oxygen, water, and our lives is that the latter two cannot exist without the former two, but the reverse is possible. Our survival is dependent primarily on the oxygen in the air we breathe and on water.

We have eventually devised a number of ways to use oxygen and water for purposes other than our survival in order to make our lives easier. The absence of oxygen and water in the body is harmful, whereas an excess of both will damage certain organs. Students will receive long and short essays on “The Importance of Oxygen and Water in Our Lives and on Earth” along with ten topical lines.

Essay on The Value of Oxygen and Water in Life and the Earth

Long and Short Essays on the Value of Oxygen and Water for Students in English

Here are essays of varying lengths and word counts on the topic of “The Value of Oxygen and Water in Life and the Earth” to help you with your exams, debates, and other competitive exams.

By reading this essay on the Value of Oxygen and Water in Life/Earth, you will be able to gain a thorough understanding of the topic, as we have covered every aspect of it.

We have grouped oxygen and water under a single topic to inform everyone about the significance and value of both substances for life on Earth. You can choose the optimal option based on your needs:

Long Essay on the Value of Oxygen and Water 500 words in English


Oxygen is a tasteless, odorless, and odorless gas that is a component of numerous compounds, including water. In both its liquid and solid states, oxygen has a pale blue hue. When the temperature is low and the atmospheric pressure is high, oxygen appears light orange, red, black, and even metallic.

Hydrogen and oxygen combine to create water. Water is a tasteless, odorless, and colorless liquid. However, in its purest form, water has a light blue hue. The color blue becomes darker as the water’s density increases. White light is said to have been absorbed and scattered to produce this color.

Water and Oxygen Abundance on Earth

Since hydrogen and oxygen are abundant in the Earth’s atmosphere, vast quantities of water are also available on our planet. Due to their ability to replenish naturally, water and oxygen are still present in sufficient quantities in the Earth’s atmosphere despite having been consumed for centuries.

The water cycle on Earth replenishes water. The water cycle includes evaporation, condensation, and precipitation, among other processes. Even though we continuously consume oxygen, it is continuously released back into the atmosphere by trees and plants that exhale.

Function of Oxygen in the Human Body

Humans, along with other mammals and numerous species of animals and birds, require oxygen to perform various bodily functions. It is required for every cell in the body to function properly. Living organisms take in oxygen through their lungs.

Here, this gas is absorbed by the blood. It is then distributed to cells throughout the body for use in cellular respiration. Oxygen is required for energy production. Through a process known as oxidation, oxygen converts the body’s food and fluids into energy. Oxygen repairs and maintains the health of our cells. It nourishes our brain and calms our nerves.

Our body stores oxygen in case of an emergency. There are locations where oxygen is scarce. At these locations, the body’s stored oxygen is used as a survival strategy.

Water’s Role in the Human Body

Water is as essential to the body’s proper functioning as oxygen. Every cell, organ, and tissue in the human body needs water. Water is necessary for controlling our body temperature. It improves the oxygenation of the blood in the body. It provides lubrication for the joints. It facilitates digestion. It aids in eliminating waste from the body.

It is also essential for the proper functioning of brain cells. Each day, we must consume an adequate amount of water in order to replace what we lose. Having sufficient water helps maintain high energy levels. This facilitates enhanced physical performance.

The importance of water and oxygen to plants

Additionally, plants require oxygen and water to survive and flourish. At night, plants inhale oxygen. So, just as humans require oxygen for survival, so do these organisms. Plants must also be regularly watered. They absorb water to remain green and hydrated. Water also assists in transporting nutrients from the soil to the leaves of plants, where photosynthesis occurs.


Therefore, water and oxygen are essential for the survival of plants, animals, and humans. They give our atmosphere life.

Short Essay on the Value of Oxygen and Water 150 Words in English

One of the most abundant gases in the Earth’s atmosphere is oxygen. 21% of the air in our ecological system is composed of oxygen. The process of respiration requires oxygen for both humans and animals. Additionally, plants inhale oxygen at night.

During the day, trees and plants breathe in carbon dioxide and release oxygen. This preserves the oxygen supply in the air. Oxygen is essential for human body function. It provides the body with fuel and keeps it energized. Oxygen is also used for a variety of industrial and recreational purposes.

Additionally, water is essential for the survival of all living things on Earth. It is used primarily for drinking and is essential for the health of humans, animals, and plants alike. It aids in the elimination of waste from the body. It is necessary for the proper operation of brain cells. It aids digestion and controls body temperature. It is also used for cleaning, washing, and sanitation, among numerous other purposes. Additionally, it has agricultural and industrial applications.

Interestingly, while oxygen and water make life possible on Earth, carbon dioxide is also essential. This can be hazardous in excess amounts. A surplus of oxygen can result in impaired vision, twitching muscles, and coughing. Similarly, drinking excessive amounts of water can have negative effects on the kidneys. It can also lead to hyponatremia, a condition in which the salt and sodium levels in the body drop significantly.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Value of Oxygen and Water Essay

Q.1 How much oxygen is present in water?

It is common knowledge that water contains one-third oxygen, i.e., two molecules of hydrogen and one molecule of oxygen. This indicates that almost 0.001% of oxygen is present in water.

Q.2 What is value of oxygen on the Earth?

21% of the air in our ecological system is composed of oxygen. The process of respiration requires oxygen for both humans and animals. Additionally, plants inhale oxygen at night. During the day, trees and plants breathe in carbon dioxide and release oxygen.

Q.3 Why is oxygen important to our planet Earth?

Oxygen plays a crucial role in respiration, the energy-producing chemistry that drives the metabolisms of the vast majority of living organisms. Humans, along with numerous other species, require oxygen in the air we breathe to survive. During photosynthesis, plants and numerous types of microbes produce oxygen.

Q.4 How was oxygen formed on Earth?

Approximately 2.7 to 2.8 billion years ago, microorganisms such as algae and cyanobacteria used photosynthesis to create oxygen on Earth.

Q.5 How is air important for life on the Earth ?

Breathing is a component of the process known as respiration. A living thing takes in oxygen from the air and releases carbon dioxide during respiration. This process provides energy for animals and plants to eat, grow, and live!

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