EnglishEssay on The Indian Economy

Essay on The Indian Economy

Essay on The Indian Economy for Students

Essay on The Indian Economy: Find out how the Indian economy can drive economic growth and create job opportunities. Read this insightful essay to find out how the Indian economy is doing now and what it looks like for the future. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Indian Economy Essay

India’s economy could be described in two words: developing and mixed. A developing economy is one that is still in the process of growing and is not as prosperous as the economies of some developed western nations. In contrast, a mixed economy is both a capitalist economy and a combination of private and public enterprises. The Indian economy is expanding at a healthy rate. The expansion and improvement of the agricultural, industrial, and service sectors in our country contribute to its economic growth.

However, the economy of India, like those of other developing nations, faces numerous obstacles. Corruption, illiteracy, and the enormous cultural, social, and economic disparities between India’s states are among the greatest obstacles confronting the Indian economy.

Long and Short Essays on the Indian economy for Students in English

Here are essays of varying lengths on the Indian economy to assist you with the exam topic. During your school’s essay competition, debate competition, or group discussion, you can choose any Indian Economy essay that suits your needs and interests. After reading these essays, you will be fully informed about the Indian economy and its current status.

You will also understand how a nation’s economy is dependent on corruption and education.

Essay on The Indian Economy

Short Essay on Indian Economy – Essay 1 (200 words)

India’s economy is primarily based on agriculture. Approximately fifty percent of India’s workforce is engaged in agricultural activities, which contribute significantly to its economy. Agriculture encompasses not only the cultivation and sale of crops, but also poultry, fishing, cattle breeding, and animal husbandry, among other activities. Numerous of these activities provide a living for the inhabitants of India. These activities are essential for the health of our economy.

Next is the industrial sector. As a result of the industrial revolution, numerous industries have emerged in our country. In recent decades, the industrial sector has experienced a particularly robust expansion. Large-scale industries such as the iron and steel industry, the chemical industry, the sugar industry, the cement industry, and the shipbuilding industry contribute significantly to the nation’s economy. In addition, we have small-scale industries such as the clothing industry, the plastics industry, the jute and paper industry, the food processing industry, and the toy industry. Our small-scale industries also contribute substantially to the economy.

In addition to this, the service sector also contributes to the Indian economy. This sector includes the banking industry, hotel industry, telecom industry, insurance industry, and transportation industry, among others. Engineers, physicians, and educators are also included in this sector.

There are skilled laborers/professionals in all three sectors who have been diligently constructing the nation’s economy.

Essay on the Present Situation of the Indian Economy – (300 words)


The Indian economy has experienced significant growth over the past few decades. This expansion is largely attributable to the service sector. Agriculture and related activities have also been improved to meet international standards, and the export of various food products has increased, thereby contributing to economic growth. The industrial sector is not even slightly lagging. Several new large-scale and small-scale industries have been established in recent years, and both have had a positive effect on the Indian economy.

India’s Economic Development in Recent Years

India has experienced inflation over the past year due to the increase in food prices. However, the economy is recovering from the loss and is projected to improve this year.

The Central Statistics Organisation (CSO) has identified India as one of the economies with the fastest growth. According to estimates, if we continue to grow at this rate, we will likely be one of the top three economic powers in the world within the next two decades.

Factors promoting economic expansion

Here are several contributors to India’s economic expansion:

  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has increased in numerous industries, such as automobiles, construction, and computer software.
  • The employment opportunities in numerous industries, including IT and transportation, have grown.
  • The number of start-ups in India is increasing, and as a result, business and employment opportunities are expanding.
  • The country’s industrial sector is thriving. India’s exports and imports of goods are expanding at a healthy rate.


We have a pool of talented, creative, hardworking, and ambitious young people. Our government is also taking steps to improve the country’s economic condition by creating new employment and business opportunities. No wonder our economy is expanding rapidly.

Essay on Indian Economic Growth – Essay 4 (500 words)


The Indian economy is expanding at a consistent rate. The growing number of diverse manufacturing industries, the increase in exports of manufactured goods, and the privatization of the banking and telecommunications sectors have all had a positive effect on the Indian economy. After achieving independence, India experienced a very difficult period during which the country’s economic condition deteriorated at a rapid rate. India’s government and its talented youth have worked tirelessly to raise it.

Fall of the Indian Economy

India was once known as the golden sparrow due to the country’s wealth accumulation. This is one of the primary reasons why it was invaded by foreigners. After British colonization, India was left with virtually nothing. The majority of Indians engaged in cottage industries. However, their products were no longer in demand because people had begun to use industrial goods. This had a negative impact on the economic condition of these artisans and contributed to the country’s economic decline.

Government Policies for Economic Growth in India

Managing the country’s economic situation was one of the primary challenges facing the newly formed Indian government. To ensure an upward trend, the company developed the following policies:

  • Abundant livelihood opportunities for the country’s citizens.
  • Equal pay for equal work, with no gender discrimination.
  • Enhancement of public health and living conditions.
  • Prevent wealth concentration.
  • Distribution of ownership of the material resources of the community.
  • For workers to be able to afford a decent standard of living, wages should be reasonable.
  • State support for cottage industries.
  • Economic Development of India

The efforts of the Indian government and the general population have paid off. India has become one of the nations with the most rapid growth and development. Our nation has made significant strides in numerous industries over the past few decades, which has contributed to its economic expansion. Information Technology, infrastructure, retail, financial services, the automotive industry, and healthcare are among the industries that have recently experienced a significant expansion. These are growing steadily and contributing significantly to the nation’s economic expansion.

Our nation’s average GDP is approximately 7 percent. Regarding GDP, India holds the seventh position worldwide. Despite India’s achievement of this status, the picture is not entirely rosy. The unequal distribution of wealth is our nation’s primary issue. Despite the fact that a sizeable portion of our population earns well and contributes to the country’s economic growth, many people are still unable to make ends meet. There are still a significant number of Americans living below the poverty line. Our nation’s economic growth serves no purpose if such extreme poverty persists.


Since achieving independence, our government has taken a number of measures to promote economic growth and development. Numerous of these initiatives have proven successful and contributed to the nation’s economy. Together, the shrewdness of Indian youths and the government’s numerous initiatives have contributed to the country’s economic growth. Nonetheless, we have a long way to go.

Frequently Asked Questions on Indian Economy

Q.1 What is the problem of Indian economy?

This contributed to the Indian economy achieving a rapid rate of economic growth and development. However, the economy still faces a number of problems and obstacles, including corruption, a lack of infrastructure, rural poverty, and low tax collection rates.

Q.2 What is the biggest challenge of Indian economy?

A comparison of India’s population to its available resources reveals that India is an overpopulated nation, which is a significant factor in its lagging economic development.

Q.3 What are the top 5 challenges of Indian economy?

Low per capita income.
Massive population reliance on agriculture.
Heavy population pressure.
Existence of persistent unemployment and underemployment
Sluggish growth in the Rate of Capital Formation.
Inequality in the distribution of wealth.
Poor Human Capital Quality.

Q.4 What is current economic problem?

The current economy is unprecedented, with strong growth, rapidly falling unemployment, and high inflation, as well as a rapidly rising money supply, rising government debt, and an ongoing pandemic.

Q.5 What is the meaning of inflation?

Inflation is caused by an increase in the prices of goods and services. Inflation is an imbalance between supply and demand.

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