EnglishEssay on Social Evils

Essay on Social Evils

Social Evils Essay for Students and Children

Essay on Social Evils: Social evils are issues that impact the people in society either directly or indirectly and are seen as moral problems or a point of contention. In this essay, we will talk about how social evils affect our society. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

India is a developing country that is home to people of many different religions, castes, creeds, races, and social standings. Because of this, Indian society is more prone to social evils than most developed countries. Social evils often happen when one group takes advantage of or hurts another group. The worst things about Indian society are female infanticide, child marriage, dowry, ageism in consumer education, period poverty, and child marriage. 

Essay on Social Evils

800 Words Essay on Social Evils in English

Social evils are things that affect the people in society either directly or indirectly and are seen as moral problems or a point of contention. Some common social evils are the caste system, poverty, the dowry system, inequality between men and women, illiteracy, and so on. Social evils and superstitions that have been around for hundreds of years made social reforms necessary for society and the masses to grow. 

In the 1800s, people who had just finished school started to rebel against rigid social rules and old traditions. They could no longer accept social practices that were illogical and hurtful to people. Also, the backward parts of Indian society, like the caste system and the difference between men and women, used to be supported by religion. Because of this, religious practices also needed to be changed.

The condition of women was pathetic

The different religions that were practiced in India and the personal laws that were based on them made women less important than men. Some of the evils that had a strong hold on society were polygamy, the Purdah system, Sati, the ban on widows marrying again, not letting girls go to school, killing young girls, and marrying children. So, it became important to get women out of this low place and help them reach their full potential.

There are still problems with women killing themselves, being sexually harassed at work, and not having enough education. These are the main reasons why women are still on the margins of society. To stop bad things like the dowry system, female foeticide, a drop in the number of men to women, harassment of women, etc., the practice of Sati should not be praised and women should not be confined to the four walls of the house. 

This can be done by giving women an education and giving them their own money. Dowry is a tradition in India in which the bride’s family gives gifts to the groom. It used to mean giving gifts willingly, but now it means demanding astronomical amounts. It not only puts a huge amount of stress on the parents, but it also puts them in a lot of debt. Many girls end up killing or killing themselves because of how cruel the groom’s family is. All of these things have made the difference between men and women even worse.

To fix these problems, the government took a number of steps to give women more power. For example, the Rajya Sabha passed the Women Reservation Bill, there are laws against killing female fetuses, dowry is illegal, etc.

Our government is becoming more criminalized quickly, which could also be called corruption. This could be because criminals have learned how elections work and are now running for office themselves. In the past, politicians used to be friends with criminals and protect them from law enforcement in exchange for their muscles during elections. And now it’s the other way around, with criminals taking over power for their own selfish reasons and giving money to politicians and their parties.

Our freedom fighters and national leaders set high standards for morality and ethics in public life, which they followed in the letter. It is sad to see that this trend is now going down. There has been a wide and serious loss of moral values in all areas of life, which is hurting our international, political, and economic relationships and economy. Aside from this, the caste system is another bad thing in the world. Even though it isn’t followed as strictly in cities, it is still done the same way in the country.

A man’s marriage, social circle, and job are all based on his caste. The untouchables have a lot of problems and restrictions put on them. Their clothes, food, and place to live are all in bad shape. Not only is it humiliating and cruel, but it also goes against the democratic idea that everyone is born equal and causes people to drift apart from each other. 

People think that Hindu nationalists and the Bajrang Dal destroyed the 16th-century Babri Mosque in 1992, which led to religious riots across the whole country. India is a secular state by its constitution, but there has been a lot of violence there since its Independence. In the last few decades, communal tensions and politics based on religion have become more common. At the same time, Islamic terrorism has been on the rise.

A large part of the Indian population lives in poverty. Poverty is both something that can be seen and something that people feel. Poverty is a condition that makes people less human because they can’t take care of their basic needs. Subjectively, poverty means feeling like you don’t have enough. 

People who are poor don’t have the money and skills they need to meet basic needs like food, shelter, health care, and education. In India, there are about 27 crore people who are poor. People who are poor live in hard situations that don’t help them reach their full potential. Poverty gets in the way of progress in many ways. 

For example, a child’s brain doesn’t grow as it should if they don’t get enough or the right kind of food. A lot of kids who are poor don’t go to school. Even if they do go, they will drop out and not finish school.

It seems that not being able to read or write is at the heart of all the problems in our society. It slows down the country’s social, political, and economic growth and keeps people tied to their ignorance. Lack of education leads to too many people, which is the root of all social problems. First, people who can’t read or write don’t know how important family planning is. 

They have several children. In some Asian cultures, having a son is much better than having a daughter. They think that their son will be the lord of their property and family name. Second, poor people think that having a lot of kids will help them make a lot of money. So, having a large family would be good for them. 

In addition to this, very few women can read or write. And when a country’s female literacy rate is low, the country’s growth is slow because a woman’s education affects the whole family.

Superstition is another social problem that comes from not being able to read or write. It is still common in India, even though it is a modern country. Superstitions like “Don’t leave the house if someone sneezes or if a cat crosses your path,” “Seeing a one-eyed person or a widow first thing in the morning is a sign of a bad day,” and “An owl hooting or a dog howling are all signs of bad luck or even death” are very common in our society. 

Superstitions include killing animals as “offerings to God” and seeing natural disasters as “weapons of destruction.” This list could go on and on.

Other social problems include a lack of proper sanitation. As of 2008, only 31% of India’s population had access to proper sanitation facilities, according to UNICEF. Another problem is finding a job. In the rural economy, there is both unemployment and not enough work. 

As the number of people in rural areas grows, the land is put under a lot of stress. In times of low demand, there isn’t a lot of movement to other jobs because the structure of jobs isn’t very flexible. 

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