EnglishEssay On Simple Living High Thinking

Essay On Simple Living High Thinking

Simple Living High Thinking Essay for Students and Children

Essay On Simple Living High Thinking: Simple Living, High Thinking means that we should live simple lives, but our thoughts shouldn’t be limited. In this essay we will talk about simple life, high thinking, Why must one lead a Simple Life? and People who Adopted the Principle of Simple Living and High Thinking. You can also find more Essay Writing articles about events, people, sports, technology, and many other things.

Everyone should try to live by the idea of “simple living, high thinking.” This idea is also called “minimalism,” and it means that a person should only have the things he needs in his home. If you only have the things you need, your life will be very different. 

We have seen what happens all over the world when people only buy the things they need. The COVID-19 pandemic has taught us that all we really need to live are a house, a car, food, and medicines. Everything else is a luxury that we don’t really need. 

Essay On Simple Living High Thinking

Long Essay On Simple Living High Thinking in English

What is Simple Living High Thinking

“Simple living, high thinking” is a famous saying. It means that if you want to be happy, you should choose to live a simple life. We all want to live in peace. Man works his whole life to make his standard of living better.

The best way to live a balanced life is to keep things simple. We need to understand how important it is to live in a simple way.

It’s the best way to live your life, and it always helps you and the people around you. We need to move towards simplicity if we want to really improve our way of life.

Live simply, and stop trying to impress others

We all agree that most of the things we want are not really for us. We want our neighbours, friends, and family to be impressed by them. This can never be a happy or satisfying way to live. This is because we were not made to please or impress other people, and we never will be. People always look for ways to criticise us, no matter what we do. 

This makes us feel even worse about ourselves. Why do we try to make more and more money, work our way up in the company, make more friends, and buy expensive clothes and household items? All of this is done to build a good reputation.

Now, this is not to say that being ambitious and making a good living are bad things. All of this might give us some satisfaction, but it also takes a lot away from us. People spend a lot of time at work and don’t spend enough time with their parents, spouse, and kids because they want to be successful at work and earn more money to satisfy their never-ending wants. 

This makes them feel far away from their family and messes up their personal relationships, which only adds to their stress.

Why is it important to live a simple life?

Today, not many people live a simple life. Instead, most people are busy chasing their dreams and trying to show off their latest things. Here’s why it’s important to live a simple life:

Spend more time with family

When you stop trying to impress people with your fake life and start living a simple life, you get closer to your roots. You get closer to your family, and the love they show you brings you a lot of happiness.

Recognize Your True self

When you stop looking for more and more things to make you happy and just spend time with yourself, you start to figure out who you really are.

Feeling in charge

When you live a simple life, you don’t need much to be happy. When you don’t have a bunch of loans for different things, you feel better about yourself. You no longer have to work hard to make more money so you can pay off your loans and bills. You feel like you have more power over your life.

Lessen your stress

You don’t have to always try to make more money than your siblings, friends, and neighbours. You don’t need a bigger house, car, or bank account to feel good about yourself anymore. If you choose to live a simple life, you won’t have to worry about this constant pressure.

Life in Balance

You won’t have to work too hard at work to get to the top. This is because you wouldn’t want too much and you could meet your needs even if you didn’t make too much money. So, you’ll be able to get home on time and spend time with your family. This will help find a balance between work and life.

People who followed the Golden Rule of High Thinking and Simple Living

Mahatma Gandhi

One of the best people to show what this saying means is Mahatma Gandhi. He lived a simple life but had big dreams. His life was very simple, but his mind was very advanced. He not only worked to get the British out of the country, but he also got a lot of people around him to help. He was the He for the rest of his life. He used a simple tool that didn’t involve violence to get the British to leave.


Buddha was a king who had a large number of servants at his disposal. He was loved by his family and had everything he could want. But he left all of that to live a simple life in the jungles. When he started living a simple life, he was able to focus, look inside himself, and think deeply. He would never have reached enlightenment if he had stayed in the palace and lived a life of luxury.

Abraham Lincoln

Abraham Lincoln was the president of the United States, and he could have afforded to live in luxury. Instead, he chose to live a simple life. He didn’t hire anyone to help him with any of his tasks. He did everything for himself on his own.

Ways to Lead a Simple Life

Find out the difference between what you need and what you want.

The first thing you should do is figure out what you need and what you want. Don’t forget that your needs are limited but your wants are not. To live a simple life, you should only keep the things you need and not chase after and get every material thing you want.

Think about inner peace.

We all look outside for happiness. We try to make friends, go to malls, try new foods, shop for things we don’t need, and do other things like that. Even though all of these things can make you happy for a while, you won’t be truly happy if you aren’t at peace with yourself. Focus on yourself if you want to live a simple, happy life.

Don’t do things to show off to other people.

You were not made to make people happy. If you keep looking for ways to impress other people, your life won’t get better. When you focus on yourself and not on other people, your life will be full.

Help People

You should give to charity instead of spending a lot to show off. This doesn’t mean that you have to give a lot of money every month. Help the poor and needy in any small way you can.


Just take a deep breath, meditate, and let go of any bad thoughts that come to mind. You need to think about the good things in life.


Even though many people still strive for a life of luxury, many have turned to living a simple life after seeing how bad the former can be. We need to realise that we should live for ourselves and not to make other people happy. We need to realise that happiness comes from within, not from things on the outside. We can only find inner peace and happiness if we live a simple life and think in a way that makes us want to help other people.

Short Essay on Simple Living High Thinking (200 Words)

People who believe in living a simple life are the only ones who can think big and do big things in life. Those who like to live in luxury only think about making their own wants come true one after another, and they never stop. 

People like this are so focused on getting what they want and showing off their material possessions to others that it limits the way they think. They can’t think big or have a wide perspective.

On the other hand, people who know they should only care about what they need and not chase after every material thing they want live a simple life. They only buy things they need and try to become better people by doing good things, not by showing off their stuff. 

They try to help the people around them, do charity work, do things to make the world a better place, and, most importantly, spend time with their loved ones.

Now, this doesn’t mean it’s bad to be ambitious and work hard to make enough money to live well. There is a difference between living comfortably and living a lavish life. There are a lot of wealthy people in the world who live simple lives and have deep thoughts. They give to charity instead of spending a lot of money on themselves. 

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